Currently, EdelweissFE provides
a nonlinear implicit static solver (NIST),
a parallel nonlinear implicit static solver (NISTParallel),
a parallel nonlinear implicit static solver tuned for marmot elements (NISTParallelForMarmotElements),
and a parallel arc length solver (NISTPArcLength).
Choose the solver in the *solver
*solver, name=mySolver, solver=NISTParallel
- edelweissfe.config.solvers.getSolverByName(name)[source]
Get the class type of the requested solver.
- Parameters
name (str) – The name of the solver to load.
- Returns
The solver class type.
- Return type
Option |
Description |
nonlinearimplicitstatic |
NISTParallel |
nonlinearimplicitstaticparallelmk2 |
NISTParallelForMarmotElements |
nonlinearimplicitstaticparallel |
NISTPArcLength |
nonlinearimplicitstaticparallelarclength |
- Nonlinear Implicit Static
- class edelweissfe.solvers.nonlinearimplicitstatic.NIST(jobInfo, journal, **kwargs)[source]
This is the Nonlinear Implicit STatic – solver.
- Parameters
jobInfo – A dictionary containing the job information.
journal – The journal instance for logging.
(timeStep, R, dirichlets)Apply the dirichlet bcs on the residual vector Is called by solveStep() before solving the global equatuon system.
(K, dirichlets)Apply the dirichlet bcs on the global stiffness matrix Is called by solveStep() before solving the global system.
(model, ...)Called when all step actions should be applied at the start of a step.
(model, stepActions)Called when all step actions should finish a step.
(model, stepActions)Called when all step actions should be appliet at the start a step.
(constraints, U_np, dU, ...)Loop over all elements, and evaluate them.
(nodeForces, distributedLoads, ...)Assemble all loads into a right hand side vector.
Construct a CSR matrix from VIJ format.
(R, ddU, F, ...)Check the convergence, individually for each field, similar to Abaqus based on the current total flux residual and the field correction Is called by solveStep() to decide whether to continue iterating or stop.
Check if the iterative solution scheme is diverging.
(bodyForces, U_np, PExt, K, ...)Loop over all body forces loads acting on elements, and evaluate them.
(distributedLoads, ...)Loop over all distributed loads acting on elements, and evaluate them.
(elements, U_np, dU, P, K, F, ...)Loop over all elements, and evalute them.
Compute the spatial averaged flux for every field Is usually called by checkConvergence().
(extrapolation, ...)Depending on the current setting, extrapolate the solution of the last increment.
(A, b)Solve the linear equation system.
(residualOutliers)Print which nodes have the largest residuals.
(U_n, dU, P, K, stepActions, ...)Standard Newton-Raphson scheme to solve for an increment.
(step, model, ...)Public interface to solve for a step.
- applyDirichlet(timeStep, R, dirichlets)[source]
Apply the dirichlet bcs on the residual vector Is called by solveStep() before solving the global equatuon system.
- Parameters
increment – The increment.
R (DofVector) – The residual vector of the global equation system to be modified.
dirichlets (list[edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) – The list of dirichlet boundary conditions.
timeStep (TimeStep) –
- Returns
The modified residual vector.
- Return type
- applyDirichletK(K, dirichlets)[source]
Apply the dirichlet bcs on the global stiffness matrix Is called by solveStep() before solving the global system.
- Parameters
K (VIJSystemMatrix) – The system matrix.
dirichlets (list[edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) – The list of dirichlet boundary conditions.
- Returns
The modified system matrix.
- Return type
- applyStepActionsAtIncrementStart(model, timeStep, stepActions)[source]
Called when all step actions should be applied at the start of a step.
- Parameters
model (FEModel) – The model tree.
increment – The time increment.
stepActions (dict[str, edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) – The dictionary of active step actions.
timeStep (TimeStep) –
- applyStepActionsAtStepEnd(model, stepActions)[source]
Called when all step actions should finish a step.
- Parameters
model (FEModel) – The model tree.
stepActions (dict[str, edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) – The dictionary of active step actions.
- applyStepActionsAtStepStart(model, stepActions)[source]
Called when all step actions should be appliet at the start a step.
- Parameters
model (FEModel) – The model tree.
stepActions (dict[str, edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) – The dictionary of active step actions.
- assembleConstraints(constraints, U_np, dU, PExt, K, timeStep)[source]
Loop over all elements, and evaluate them. Is is called by solveStep() in each iteration.
- Parameters
constraints (list[edelweissfe.constraints.base.constraintbase.ConstraintBase]) – The list of constraints.
U_np (DofVector) – The current solution vector.
dU (DofVector) – The current solution increment vector.
PExt (DofVector) – The external load vector.
K (VIJSystemMatrix) – The system matrix.
dT – The time increment.
time – The step and total time.
timeStep (TimeStep) –
- Returns
The modified external load vector.
The modified system matrix.
- Return type
- assembleLoads(nodeForces, distributedLoads, bodyForces, U_np, PExt, K, timeStep)[source]
Assemble all loads into a right hand side vector.
- Parameters
nodeForces (list[edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) – The list of concentrated (nodal) loads.
distributedLoads (list[edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) – The list of distributed (surface) loads.
bodyForces (list[edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) – The list of body (volumetric) loads.
U_np (DofVector) – The current solution vector.
PExt (DofVector) – The external load vector.
K (VIJSystemMatrix) – The system matrix.
timeStep (TimeStep) – The current time step.
- Returns
The augmented external load vector.
The augmented system matrix.
- Return type
- assembleStiffnessCSR(K)[source]
Construct a CSR matrix from VIJ format.
- Parameters
K (VIJSystemMatrix) – The system matrix in VIJ format.
- Returns
The system matrix in compressed sparse row format.
- Return type
- checkConvergence(R, ddU, F, iterationCounter, residualHistory)[source]
Check the convergence, individually for each field, similar to Abaqus based on the current total flux residual and the field correction Is called by solveStep() to decide whether to continue iterating or stop.
- Parameters
- Returns
True if converged.
The residual histories field wise.
- Return type
- checkDivergingSolution(incrementResidualHistory, maxGrowingIter)[source]
Check if the iterative solution scheme is diverging.
- Parameters
incrementResidualHistory (dict) – The dictionary containing the residual history of all fields.
maxGrowingIter (int) – The maximum allows number of growths of a residual during the iterative solution scheme.
- Returns
True if solution is diverging.
- Return type
- computeBodyForces(bodyForces, U_np, PExt, K, timeStep)[source]
Loop over all body forces loads acting on elements, and evaluate them. Assembles into the global external load vector and the system matrix.
- Parameters
distributedLoads – The list of distributed loads.
U_np (DofVector) – The current solution vector.
PExt (DofVector) – The external load vector to be augmented.
K (VIJSystemMatrix) – The system matrix to be augmented.
increment – The increment.
bodyForces (list[edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) –
timeStep (TimeStep) –
- Returns
The augmented load vector and system matrix.
- Return type
- computeDistributedLoads(distributedLoads, U_np, PExt, K, timeStep)[source]
Loop over all distributed loads acting on elements, and evaluate them. Assembles into the global external load vector and the system matrix.
- Parameters
distributedLoads (list[edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) – The list of distributed loads.
U_np (DofVector) – The current solution vector.
PExt (DofVector) – The external load vector to be augmented.
K (VIJSystemMatrix) – The system matrix to be augmented.
timeStep (TimeStep) – The current time step.
- Returns
The augmented load vector and system matrix.
- Return type
- computeElements(elements, U_np, dU, P, K, F, timeStep)[source]
Loop over all elements, and evalute them. Is is called by solveStep() in each iteration.
- Parameters
elements (list) – The list of finite elements.
U_np (DofVector) – The current solution vector.
dU (DofVector) – The current solution increment vector.
P (DofVector) – The reaction vector.
K (VIJSystemMatrix) – The system matrix.
F (DofVector) – The vector of accumulated fluxes for convergence checks.
timeStep (TimeStep) – The time step.
- Returns
The modified reaction vector.
The modified system matrix.
The modified accumulated flux vector.
- Return type
- computeSpatialAveragedFluxes(F)[source]
Compute the spatial averaged flux for every field Is usually called by checkConvergence().
- Parameters
F (DofVector) – The accumulated flux vector.
- Returns
A dictioary containg the spatial average fluxes for every field.
- Return type
- extrapolateLastIncrement(extrapolation, timeStep, dU, dirichlets, prevTimeStep, model)[source]
Depending on the current setting, extrapolate the solution of the last increment.
- Parameters
extrapolation (str) – The type of extrapolation.
timeStep (TimeStep) – The current time step.
dU (DofVector) – The last solution increment.
dirichlets (list) – The list of active dirichlet boundary conditions.
lastIncrementSize – The size of the last increment.
prevTimeStep (TimeStep) –
- Returns
The extrapolated solution increment.
True if an extrapolation was performed.
- Return type
- linearSolve(A, b)[source]
Solve the linear equation system.
- Parameters
A (csr_matrix) – The system matrix in compressed spare row format.
b (DofVector) – The right hand side.
- Returns
The solution ‘x’.
- Return type
- printResidualOutlierNodes(residualOutliers)[source]
Print which nodes have the largest residuals.
- Parameters
residualOutliers (dict) – The dictionary containing the outlier nodes for every field.
- solveIncrement(U_n, dU, P, K, stepActions, model, timeStep, prevTimeStep, extrapolation, maxIter, maxGrowingIter)[source]
Standard Newton-Raphson scheme to solve for an increment.
- Parameters
Un – The old solution vector.
dU (DofVector) – The old solution increment.
P (DofVector) – The old reaction vector.
K (VIJSystemMatrix) – The system matrix to be used.
elements – The dictionary containing all elements.
stepActions (list) – The list of active step actions.
model (FEModel) – The model tree.
increment – The increment.
lastIncrementSize – The size of the previous increment.
extrapolation (str) – The type of extrapolation to be used.
maxIter (int) – The maximum number of iterations to be used.
maxGrowingIter (int) – The maximum number of growing residuals until the Newton-Raphson is terminated.
U_n (DofVector) –
timeStep (TimeStep) –
prevTimeStep (TimeStep) –
- Returns
- A tuple containing
the new solution vector
the solution increment
the new reaction vector
the number of required iterations
the history of residuals per field
- Return type
- solveStep(step, model, fieldOutputController, outputmanagers)[source]
Public interface to solve for a step.
- Parameters
stepNumber – The step number.
step – The dictionary containing the step definition.
stepActions – The dictionary containing all step actions.
model (FEModel) – The model tree.
fieldOutputController (FieldOutputController) – The field output controller.
outputmanagers (dict[str, edelweissfe.outputmanagers.base.outputmanagerbase.OutputManagerBase]) –
- Return type
tuple[bool, edelweissfe.models.femodel.FEModel]
- Nonlinear Implicit Static (parallel)
Parallel implementation of the NIST solver.
- class edelweissfe.solvers.nonlinearimplicitstaticparallelmk2.NISTParallel(jobInfo, journal, **kwargs)
(timeStep, R, dirichlets)Apply the dirichlet bcs on the residual vector Is called by solveStep() before solving the global equatuon system.
(K, dirichlets)Apply the dirichlet bcs on the global stiffnes matrix Is called by solveStep() before solving the global sys.
(model, ...)Called when all step actions should be applied at the start of a step.
(model, stepActions)Called when all step actions should finish a step.
(model, stepActions)Called when all step actions should be appliet at the start a step.
(constraints, U_np, dU, ...)Loop over all elements, and evaluate them.
(nodeForces, distributedLoads, ...)Assemble all loads into a right hand side vector.
(K)Construct a CSR matrix from VIJ format.
(R, ddU, F, ...)Check the convergence, individually for each field, similar to Abaqus based on the current total flux residual and the field correction Is called by solveStep() to decide whether to continue iterating or stop.
(...)Check if the iterative solution scheme is diverging.
(bodyForces, U_np, PExt, K, ...)Loop over all body forces loads acting on elements, and evaluate them.
(distributedLoads, ...)Loop over all distributed loads acting on elements, and evaluate them.
(F)Compute the spatial averaged flux for every field Is usually called by checkConvergence().
(extrapolation, ...)Depending on the current setting, extrapolate the solution of the last increment.
(A, b)Solve the linear equation system.
(residualOutliers)Print which nodes have the largest residuals.
(U_n, dU, P, K, stepActions, ...)Standard Newton-Raphson scheme to solve for an increment.
- applyDirichletK(K, dirichlets)
Apply the dirichlet bcs on the global stiffnes matrix Is called by solveStep() before solving the global sys.
Cythonized version for speed!
- Parameters
K – The system matrix.
dirichlets – The list of dirichlet boundary conditions.
- Returns
The modified system matrix.
- Return type
- computeElements(elements, Un1, dU, P, K, F, timeStep)
Loop over all elements, and evalute them. Is is called by solveStep() in each iteration.
- Parameters
elements – The list of finite elements.
U_np – The current solution vector.
dU – The current solution increment vector.
P – The reaction vector.
K – The system matrix.
F – The vector of accumulated fluxes for convergence checks.
timeStep – The time step.
- Returns
The modified reaction vector.
The modified system matrix.
The modified accumulated flux vector.
- Return type
- solveStep(step, model, fieldOutputController, outputmanagers)
Public interface to solve for a step.
- Parameters
stepNumber – The step number.
step – The dictionary containing the step definition.
stepActions – The dictionary containing all step actions.
model – The model tree.
fieldOutputController – The field output controller.
- Nonlinear Implicit Static - Arc length
(Parallel) Arc Length Solver, based on the proposed approach in Jirásek/Bažant 2001. Replaces the NewtonRaphson scheme of the NISTParallel Solver.
- class edelweissfe.solvers.nonlinearimplicitstaticparallelarclength.NISTPArcLength(jobInfo, journal, **kwargs)[source]
(timeStep, R, dirichlets)Apply the dirichlet bcs on the residual vector Is called by solveStep() before solving the global equatuon system.
(K, dirichlets)Apply the dirichlet bcs on the global stiffnes matrix Is called by solveStep() before solving the global sys.
(model, ...)Called when all step actions should be applied at the start of a step.
(model, stepActions)Called when all step actions should finish a step.
(model, stepActions)Called when all step actions should be appliet at the start a step.
(constraints, U_np, dU, ...)Loop over all elements, and evaluate them.
(nodeForces, distributedLoads, ...)Assemble all loads into a right hand side vector.
(K)Construct a CSR matrix from VIJ format.
(R, ddU, F, ...)Check the convergence, individually for each field, similar to Abaqus based on the current total flux residual and the field correction Is called by solveStep() to decide whether to continue iterating or stop.
(...)Check if the iterative solution scheme is diverging.
(bodyForces, U_np, PExt, K, ...)Loop over all body forces loads acting on elements, and evaluate them.
(distributedLoads, ...)Loop over all distributed loads acting on elements, and evaluate them.
(F)Compute the spatial averaged flux for every field Is usually called by checkConvergence().
(extrapolation, ...)Depending on the current setting, extrapolate the solution of the last increment.
(A, b)Solve the linear equation system.
(residualOutliers)Print which nodes have the largest residuals.
(U_n, dU, P, K, stepActions, ...)Arc length method scheme to solve for an increment.
(step, model, ...)Public interface to solve for a step.
- applyStepActionsAtStepEnd(model, stepActions)[source]
Called when all step actions should finish a step.
For the arc length controlled simulation, external loads at the end of a step depend on the arc length parameter. Hence, for subsequent steps, the new reference loads depend on this parameter. We communicate this to the step actions before the parent solver tells them that the step is finished.
- Parameters
U – The solution vector.
P – The reaction vector.
stepActions (dict[str, edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase]) – The list of active step actions.
- extrapolateLastIncrement(extrapolation, timeStep, dU, dirichlets, prevTimeStep, model, dLambda=None)[source]
Depending on the current setting, extrapolate the solution of the last increment. Also accounts for the arc length loading parameter.
- Parameters
- Returns
The extrapolated solution increment.
True if an extrapolation was performed.
- Return type
- solveIncrement(U_n, dU, P, K, stepActions, model, timeStep, prevTimeStep, extrapolation, maxIter, maxGrowingIter)[source]
Arc length method scheme to solve for an increment.
- Parameters
U_n (DofVector) – The old solution vector.
dU (DofVector) – The old solution increment.
P (DofVector) – The old reaction vector.
K (VIJSystemMatrix) – The system matrix to be used.
elements – The dictionary containing all elements.
activeStepActions – The list of active step actions.
constraints – The dictionary containing all elements.
timeStep (TimeStep) – The current time step.
prevTimeStep (TimeStep) – The previous time step.
extrapolation (str) – The type of extrapolation to be used.
maxIter (int) – The maximum number of iterations to be used.
maxGrowingIter (int) – The maximum number of growing residuals until the Newton-Raphson is terminated.
stepActions (list) –
- Returns
- A tuple containing
the new solution vector
the solution increment
the new reaction vector
the number of required iterations
the history of residuals per field
- Return type
- solveStep(step, model, fieldOutputController, outputmanagers)[source]
Public interface to solve for a step.
- Parameters
stepNumber – The step number.
step (dict) – The dictionary containing the step definition.
stepActions – The dictionary containing all step actions.
model (FEModel) – The model tree.
fieldOutputController (FieldOutputController) – The field output controller.
outputmanagers (dict[str, edelweissfe.outputmanagers.base.outputmanagerbase.OutputManagerBase]) –