Outputmanagers are used for monitoring and exporting results to variuous formats. They are defined globally:
*output, type=ensight, jobName=cps4job, name=myEnsightExport
create=perNode, elSet=all, fieldOutput=Displacement
create=perElement, elSet=all, fieldOutput=Stress
create=perElement, elSet=all, fieldOutput=Strain
*material, name=VonMises, id=mat
210000, 0.3, 550, 1000, 200, 1400
*section, name=section1, thickness=1.0, material=mat, type=plane
*job, name=cps4job, domain=2d
*solver, solver=NIST, name=theSolver
*modelGenerator, generator=planeRectQuad, name=gen
x0=0, l=50
y0=0, h=100
create=perNode, name=Displacement, elSet=all, field=displacement, result=U,
create=perElement, name=Stress, elSet=all, result=stress, quadraturePoint=1
create=perElement, name=Strain, elSet=all, result=strain, quadraturePoint=1
create=perElement, name=Kappa, elSet=all, result=kappa, quadraturePoint=1
create=perNode, name=Displacement_Top, nSet=gen_top, field=displacement, result=U
create=perNode, name=Force_Bottom, nSet=gen_bottom, field=displacement, result=P, saveHistory=True, export=ReactionForce, f_export(x)='x[:,:,1]'
*output, type=ensight, name=myEnsightExport
create=perNode, fieldOutput=Displacement
create=perElement, fieldOutput=Stress
create=perElement, fieldOutput=Strain
create=perElement, fieldOutput=Kappa
configuration, overwrite=yes
*output, type=monitor, name=myNodeSetMonitor
fieldOutput=Displacement_Top, f(x)='mean(x[:,1])'
fieldOutput=Force_Bottom, f(x)='sum(x[:,1])'
*output, type=plotAlongPath, name=myNodeSetPlotter
fieldOutput=Displacement_Top, label=Ualongtopsurface, f(x)='x[:,1]', nStages=5, export=True
*step, maxInc=1e-1, minInc=1e-8, maxNumInc=1000, maxIter=25, stepLength=100, solver=theSolver
options, category=Ensight, intermediateSaveInterval=2, minDTForOutput=20
options, category=NISTSolver, extrapolation=linear
dirichlet, name=1, nSet=gen_leftBottom, field=displacement, 2=0.0, 1=0.0
dirichlet, name=bottom, nSet=gen_bottom, field=displacement, 2=0
nodeforces, name=top, nSet=gen_top, field=displacement, 2=-1, f(t)=t**2
- Export to Ensight Gold format
Option |
Description |
configuration |
overwrite=y|n|yes|no|True|False| |
create |
The of the variabl; valid values: perNode|perElement |
fieldOutput |
Name of the result, defined on an elSet (also for perNode results!) |
name |
(Optional), default = the field output’s name |
intermediateSaveInterval |
Step option in category “Ensight”: save .case file every N increments |
- Monitor quantities in the terminal
Option |
Description |
fieldOutput |
Name of the field output to be monitored |
f(x) |
(Optional), apply a model accessible function on the result |
- Export to matplotlib
@author: Magdalena
- Module meshplot divided into classes:
- Triangulation:
creates triangles out of rectangles in order to use matplotlib plotting options
- Plotter:
creates figures, axes, grid, labels
- Outputmanager:
creats the plotting specific for the defined keyword lines
Option |
Description |
figure |
figure number, (default=1) |
axSpec |
axis specification according to matplotlib syntax, (default=111) |
create=perNode |
result per node is plotted in a meshplot |
create=perElement |
result per element is plotted in a meshplot |
create=meshOnly |
plot the mesh only |
create=xyData |
2D Plot of results |
- Determine the fracture energy
Option |
Description |
forceFieldOutput |
fieldOutput for force (with time history) |
displacementFieldOutput |
fieldOutput for displacement (with time history) |
fractureArea |
(math expression for) area of fracture |
- Plot a result along a line
Option |
Description |
fieldOutput |
Name of the field output to be plotted (defined on a nodeSet/elementSet) |
figure |
(Optional), figure of the Plotter |
axSpec |
(Optional), axSpec (MATLAB syntax) in the figure |
label |
(Optional), label, standard=fieldOutputs name |
f(x) |
(Optional), apply math |
normalize |
(Optional), normalize peak to 1.0 |
- Conditional stop if expression becomes true
Option |
Description |
stop |
model accessible function describing the stop condition |
- Write the status of the simulation to a file
Option |
Description |
filename |
(optional), custom filename for the status file; default: ‘jobname’.sta |