Step actions
Step actions define actions run during a simulation.
They are defined within a *step
definition, line by line,
by specifying their name
and a list of option=value
, for example
*step, jobName=myJob,
dirichlet, name=bottom, nSet=bottom, field=displacement, 2=0, 1=0
dirichlet, name=rightTop, nSet=rightTop, field=displacement, 2=0,
distributedload, name=dload1, surface=top, type=pressure, magnitude=10, f(t)=t*2
distributedload, name=dload2, surface=left, type=pressure, magnitude=50, f(t)=t
- Bodyforce loads
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.bodyforce
Option |
Description |
forceVector |
The force vector |
delta |
In subsequent steps only: define the updated force vector incrementally |
f(t) |
(Optional) define an amplitude in the step progress interval [0…1] |
*include, input=mesh.inp
*material, name=linearelastic, id=le
30000.0, 0.15
*section, name=section1, material=le, type=solid
*job, name=c3d8job, domain=3d
*solver, solver=NIST, name=theSolver
create=perNode, name=displacement, elSet=all, field=displacement, result=U, name=displacement
create=perElement, name=stress, elSet=all, result=stress, quadraturePoint=1
create=perElement, name=strain, elSet=all, result=strain, quadraturePoint=1
create=perNode, name=RF, nSet=top, result=P, field=displacement
*output, type=ensight, name=ensightExport
create=perNode, fieldOutput=displacement
create=perElement, fieldOutput=stress
create=perElement, fieldOutput=strain
configuration, overwrite=yes
*output, type=monitor, name=myNodeSetMonitor
fieldOutput=RF, f(x)='sum(x[:,0])', name=ForceX
fieldOutput=RF, f(x)='sum(x[:,1])', name=ForceY
fieldOutput=RF, f(x)='sum(x[:,2])', name=ForceZ
*step, solver=theSolver, maxInc=1e-1, minInc=1e-5, maxNumInc=1000, maxIter=25, stepLength=1
options, category=NISTSolver, extrapolation=linear
dirichlet, name=top, nSet=top, field=displacement, 1=0.0, 2=0.0, 3=.0
bodyforce, name=bforce, elSet=all, forceVector='0.0, 10.0, 20.0', f(t)=t
- Standard dirichlet BC
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.dirichlet
Option |
Description |
nSet |
The node set for application of the BC |
1,2,3,... |
Prescribed values for components of the physical field |
components |
Prescribed values using a np.ndarray for representation; use ‘x’ for ignored values |
field |
Field for which the boundary condition is active |
analyticalField |
(Optional) scales the defined boundary condition |
f(t) |
(Optional) define an amplitude in the step progress interval [0…1] |
- Distributed surface loads
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.distributedload
Option |
Description |
surface |
Surface for application of the distributed load |
magnitude |
Magnitude of the distributed load |
delta |
In subsequent steps only: define the new magnitude incrementally |
f(t) |
(Optional) define an amplitude in the step progress interval [0…1] |
type |
The load type, e.g., pressure or surface traction; Must be supported by the element type |
*modelGenerator, generator=planeRectQuad, name=gen
*elSet, elSet=loadEls
*surface, type=element, name=surfaceLoad
**elset, faceID
loadEls, 3
*section, name=section1, thickness=1.0, material=mat, type=plane
*material, name=VonMises, id=mat
210000, 0.3, 550, 1000, 200, 1400
*job, name=cpe4job, domain=2d
*solver, solver=NIST, name=theSolver
create=perNode, name=displacement, elSet=all, field=displacement, result=U, name=displacement
create=perNode, name=displacement, nSet=gen_left, field=displacement, result=P, name=RF
create=perElement, name=stress, elSet=all, result=stress, quadraturePoint=1
create=perElement, name=strain, elSet=all, result=strain, quadraturePoint=1
*output, type=monitor, name=ensightExport
fieldOutput = RF, f(x) = 'sum ( x[:, 1])'
*output, type=ensight, name=ensightExport
create=perNode, fieldOutput=displacement
create=perElement, fieldOutput=stress
create=perElement, fieldOutput=strain
configuration, overwrite=yes
*step, solver=theSolver, maxInc=1e-1, minInc=1e-5, maxNumInc=1000, maxIter=25, stepLength=1
options, category=NISTSolver, extrapolation=linear
dirichlet, name=left, nSet=gen_left, field=displacement, 1=0.0, 2=0.0
distributedload, name=dload, surface=gen_top, type=pressure, magnitude=0.15, f(t)=t
- Geostatic stress states
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.geostatic
Initialize materials to an geostatic stress state
Option |
Description |
p1 |
sig_x=sig_y=sig_z in first point |
h1 |
y coordinate of first point, default=1.0 |
p2 |
s11=s22=s33 in second point, default=p1 |
h2 |
y coordinate of second point, default=-1.0 |
xLateral |
ratio of sig_x/sig_y, default=1.0 |
zLateral |
ratio of sig_z/sig_y, default=1.0 |
*modelGenerator, generator=planeRectQuad, name=gen
*material, name=linearElastic, id=le
210000, 0.3
*section, name=section1, thickness=1.0, material=le, type=plane
*job, name=cpe4job, domain=2d
*solver, solver=NIST, name=theSolver
create=perNode, name=dispTop, nSet=gen_top, field=displacement, result=U, f(x)='mean(x[:,1])'
create=perNode, name=RFBottom, nSet=gen_bottom, field=displacement, result=P, f(x)='sum(x[:,1])'
create=perNode, elSet=all, field=displacement, result=U, name=displacement
create=perElement, elSet=all, result=stress, name=S11, quadraturePoint=1, f(x)='x[:,0]'
create=perElement, elSet=all, result=stress, name=S22, quadraturePoint=1, f(x)='x[:,1]'
create=perElement, elSet=all, result=stress, name=S33, quadraturePoint=1, f(x)='x[:,2]'
*output, type=monitor
*output, type=monitor
*output, type=ensight, name=ensightExport
create=perNode, fieldOutput=displacement
create=perElement, fieldOutput=S11
create=perElement, fieldOutput=S22
create=perElement, fieldOutput=S33
configuration, overwrite=yes
*step, solver=theSolver, maxInc=0.5
dirichlet, name=left, nSet=gen_left, field=displacement, 1=0.0,
dirichlet, name=right, nSet=gen_right, field=displacement, 1=0.0
dirichlet, name=bottom, nSet=gen_bottom, field=displacement, 2=0.0,
geostatic, name=geo, elSet=all, p1=-10, h1=150, p2=-5, h2=0, xLateral=1.0, zLateral=1.0
distributedload, name=dlTop, surface=gen_top, magnitude=10, f(t)=1, type=pressure
*step, solver=theSolver, maxInc=1e-1,
distributedload, name=dlTop, delta=-10.0, f(t)=t
- Indirect displacement control
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.indirectcontrol
Option |
Description |
dof1 |
Degree of freedom for the constraint ( model access expression ) |
dof2 |
Degree of freedom for the constraint ( model access expression ) |
L |
Final distance (e.g. crack opening) |
*job, name=job, domain=3d
*solver, solver=NISTPArcLength, name=NISTPArcLen
*modelGenerator, generator=boxGen, name=gen
lX = 100
lY = 1
lZ = 1
nX = 9
nY = 1
nZ = 1
elType = GC3D8
*material, name=gcdp, id=concrete
**E nu fcy fcu fbu ftu Df Ah
100.0, 0.00, 10, 30, 35, 3.00, 0.85, 0.12,
**Bh Ch Dh As softmod l m omegaMax
0.003, 2.0, 1e-6, 15.0, .1, 2, 1.05, 1,
**derivativeMethod, dTThresholdElasticStiffness
1, 1e-8
*section, name=concrete, material=concrete, type=solid
*modelGenerator, generator=findClosestNode, name=closestN1, executeAfterManualGeneration=True
location='40, 0, 0'
*modelGenerator, generator=findClosestNode, name=closestN2, executeAfterManualGeneration=True
location='60, 0, 0'
*step, maxInc=1, minInc=1, maxNumInc=100000, maxIter=25, stepLength=1, solver=NISTPArcLen
setfield, name=omegaIni, fieldOutput=alphaDWeak, value=1e-2, type=uniform
*step, maxInc=1e-2, startInc=1e-2, minInc=1e-6, maxNumInc=100000, maxIter=25, stepLength=1, solver=NISTPArcLen
options, category=Ensight, intermediateSaveInterval=1, minDTForOutput=0
options, category=NISTArcLength, arcLengthController=indirectcontrol, stopCondition='fieldOutputs["I1pMax"] > 0.01'
indirectcontrol, dof1='model.nodeSets["IDC1"][0].fields["displacement"]', cVector1='[-1,0,0]', dof2='model.nodeSets["IDC2"][0].fields["displacement"]', cVector2='[1,0,0]', L=1.,
dirichlet, name=leftX, nSet=gen_left, field=displacement, 1=0.
dirichlet, name=leftY, nSet=gen_left, field=displacement, 2=0.
dirichlet, name=leftZ, nSet=gen_left, field=displacement, 3=0.
dirichlet, name=right, nSet=gen_right, field=displacement, 1=1.
name=displacement, create=perNode, elSet=all, field=displacement, result=U
name=nonlocal_damage, create=perNode, elSet=all, field=nonlocal damage, result=U
name=strain, create=perElement, elSet=all, result=strain, quadraturePoint=0:8, f(x)='np.mean(x,axis=1)'
name=stress, create=perElement, elSet=all, result=stress, quadraturePoint=0:8, f(x)='np.mean(x,axis=1)'
name=omega, create=perElement, elSet=all, result=omega, quadraturePoint=0:8, f(x)='np.mean(x,axis=1)'
name=alphaP, create=perElement, elSet=all, result=alphaP, quadraturePoint=0:8, f(x)='np.mean(x,axis=1)'
name=alphaD, create=perElement, elSet=all, result=alphaD, quadraturePoint=0:8, f(x)='np.mean(x,axis=1)'
name=I1p, create=perElement, elSet=all, result=I1p, quadraturePoint=0:8, f(x)='np.mean(x,axis=1)'
name=I1pMax, create=perElement, elSet=all, result=I1p, quadraturePoint=0:8, f(x)='np.max(x)', saveHistory=true
name=alphaDMax, create=perElement, elSet=all, result=alphaD, quadraturePoint=0:8, f(x)='np.max(x)', saveHistory=true
name=omegaMax, create=perElement, elSet=all, result=omega, quadraturePoint=0:8, f(x)='np.max(x)', saveHistory=true
name=alphaDWeak, create=perElement, elSet=gen_centerSliceX, result=alphaD, quadraturePoint=0:8
name=U1, create=perNode, nSet=gen_right, field=displacement, result=U, f(x)='mean(x[:,0])', saveHistory=true, export=U
name=RF1, create=perNode, nSet=gen_right, field=displacement, result=P, f(x)='sum(x[:,0])', saveHistory=true, export=RF
*output, type=ensight, name=test
create=perNode, fieldOutput=displacement
create=perNode, fieldOutput=nonlocal_damage
create=perElement, fieldOutput=omega
create=perElement, fieldOutput=I1p
create=perElement, fieldOutput=alphaP
create=perElement, fieldOutput=alphaD
create=perElement, fieldOutput=stress
create=perElement, fieldOutput=strain
configuration, overwrite=yes
*output, type=meshPlot
figure=1, axSpec=111, create=xyData, x=U1, y=RF1
- Indirect displacement – contraction ring control
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.indirectcontrol
Option |
Description |
contractionNSet |
The node set defining the contraction ring |
L |
Final distance (e.g. crack opening) |
exportCVector |
(Optional) file to export the computed c vector |
- Initialize materials
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.initializematerial
Let materials initialize themselves (e.g., state vars depending on material parameters…) !
- Update the model
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.modelupdate
Option |
Description |
update |
Model accessible, executable expression |
- Concentrated node forces
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.nodeforces
Option |
Description |
nSet |
Node set for application of the boundary condition |
1,2,3,... |
Prescribed values for components of the physical field |
components |
Prescribed values using a np.ndarray for representation; use ‘x’ for ignored values |
field |
Field for which the boundary condition is active |
f(t) |
(Optional) define an amplitude in the step progress interval [0…1] |
*material, name=VonMises, id=mat
210000, 0.3, 550, 1000, 200, 1400
*section, name=section1, thickness=1.0, material=mat, type=plane
*job, name=cps4job, domain=2d
*solver, solver=NIST, name=theSolver
*modelGenerator, generator=planeRectQuad, name=gen
x0=0, l=50
y0=0, h=100
create=perNode, nSet=gen_bottom, result=P, field=displacement, name=RF
create=perNode, elSet=all, field=displacement, result=U, name=displacement
*output, type=monitor
fieldOutput=RF, f(x)='mean(x[:,1])'
*output, type=ensight, name=esExport
create=perNode, fieldOutput=displacement
configuration, overwrite=yes
*step, maxInc=1e-1, minInc=1e-8, maxNumInc=50, maxIter=25, stepLength=100, solver=theSolver
dirichlet, name=bottom, nSet=gen_bottom, field=displacement, 2=0, 1=0
nodeforces, name=cloadTop, nSet=gen_top, field=displacement, 2=-50
*step, maxInc=1e-1, minInc=1e-8, maxNumInc=1000, maxIter=25, stepLength=100, solver=theSolver
nodeforces, name=cloadTop, nSet=gen_top, 2=-10, f(t)=sin(t*2*pi)
*step, maxInc=1e-1, minInc=1e-8, maxNumInc=1000, maxIter=25, stepLength=100, solver=theSolver
nodeforces, name=cloadTop, nSet=gen_top, 2=+50, f(t)=t
- Set a field to a prescribed value
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.setfield
Option |
Description |
fieldOutput |
Field output to be set |
type |
‘Const’ or ‘analyticalField’ |
value |
Scalar value if type ‘const’; name of analyticalField if type ‘analyticalField’ |
- Set initial conditions to elements
Relevant module: edelweissfe.stepactions.setinitialconditions
Pass initial conditions to elements.
Option |
Description |
property |
The name of the property to be initialized |
values |
The property values |
elSet |
(Optional) the element set for which the initaliziation is performed |
Implementing your own step actions
Subclass from the step action base class in module edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase
- class edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase.StepActionBase(name, definition, jobInfo, model, fieldOutputController, dofmanager, journal)[source]
This is the abase class for all step actions. User defined step actions can override the methods.
- Parameters
name (str) – The name of this step action.
definition (dict) – A dictionary containing the options for this step action.
jobInfo (dict) – A dictionary containing the information about the job.
model (FEModel) – A dictionary containing the model tree.
fieldOutputController (FieldOutputController) – The fieldput controlling object.
journal (Journal) – The journal object for logging.
(model, timeStep)Is called when a step increment starts.
(model)Is called when a step successfully finished.
(model)Is called when a step starts.
(definition, jobInfo, model, ...)Is called when an updated definition is present for a new step.
- applyAtIncrementStart(model, timeStep)[source]
Is called when a step increment starts.
- Parameters
U_n – The current converged solution vector at start of the increment.
P – The current reaction force vector.
increment – The defintion of the time increment.
timeStep (TimeStep) –
- applyAtStepEnd(model)[source]
Is called when a step successfully finished.
- Parameters
U – The current solution vector.
P – The current reaction force vector.
- applyAtStepStart(model)[source]
Is called when a step starts.
- Parameters
U – The current solution vector.
P – The current reaction force vector.
- updateStepAction(definition, jobInfo, model, fieldOutputController, dofmanager, journal)[source]
Is called when an updated definition is present for a new step.
- Parameters
name – The name of this step action.
definition (dict) – A dictionary containing the options for this step action.
jobInfo (dict) – A dictionary containing the information about the job.
model (FEModel) – A dictionary containing the model tree.
fieldOutputController (FieldOutputController) – The fieldput controlling object.
journal (Journal) – The journal object for logging.