
Relevant module: edelweissfe.config.elementlibrary

EdelweissFE currently supports finite element implementations provided by the Marmot library. In future, elements by other providers or elements directly implemented in EdelweissFE may be added here.

*element, type=C3D8, provider=marmot
    ** el_label, node1, node2, node3, node4, ...
    1000,        1,     2,     3,     4,     ...

Get the class type of the requested element provider.


provider (str) – The name of the element provider ot load.


The element provider class type.

Return type


Provider marmot

Relevant module: edelweissfe.elements.marmotelement.element

class edelweissfe.elements.marmotelement.element.MarmotElementWrapper

This element serves as a wrapper for MarmotElements.

For the documentation of MarmotElements, please refer to Marmot.

  • elementType – The Marmot element which should be represented, e.g., CPE4.

  • elNumber – The number of the element.




Accept the computed state (in nonlinear iteration schemes).

computeBodyForce(P, K, load, U, time, dTime)

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a volume load.

computeDistributedLoad(loadType, P, K, ...)

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a surface load.

computeYourself(Ke, Pe, U, dU, time, dTime)

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement centroid coordinates.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement qp coordinates.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement qp coordinates.

getResultArray(result, quadraturePoint[, ...])

Get the array of a result, possibly as a persistent view which is continiously updated by the underlying MarmotElement.


Let the underlying MarmotElement initialize itself


Reset to the last valid state.

setInitialCondition(stateType, values)

Assign initial conditions to the underlying Marmot element

setMaterial(materialName, materialProperties)

Assign a material and material properties to the underlying MarmotElement.


Assign the nodes coordinates to the underyling MarmotElement


Assign a set of properties to the underyling MarmotElement


Accept the computed state (in nonlinear iteration schemes).

computeBodyForce(P, K, load, U, time, dTime)

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a volume load.

computeDistributedLoad(loadType, P, K, faceID, load, U, time, dTime)

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a surface load.

computeYourself(Ke, Pe, U, dU, time, dTime)

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement centroid coordinates.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement qp coordinates.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement qp coordinates.

getResultArray(result, quadraturePoint, getPersistentView=True)

Get the array of a result, possibly as a persistent view which is continiously updated by the underlying MarmotElement.


Let the underlying MarmotElement initialize itself


Reset to the last valid state.

setInitialCondition(stateType, values)

Assign initial conditions to the underlying Marmot element

setMaterial(materialName, materialProperties)

Assign a material and material properties to the underlying MarmotElement. Furthermore, create two sets of state vars:

  • the actual set,

  • and a temporary set for backup in nonlinear iteration schemes.


Assign the nodes coordinates to the underyling MarmotElement


Assign a set of properties to the underyling MarmotElement

Provider marmotsingleqpelement

Relevant module: edelweissfe.elements.marmotsingleqpelement.element

class edelweissfe.elements.marmotsingleqpelement.element.MarmotMaterialWrappingElement(materialType, elNumber)[source]

This element serves as a wrapper for MarmotMaterials, cf. Marmot.

It has a single quadrature point, and one (dummy) node. For interfacing with specific Marmot materials, specialized material wrappers are used.

The element allows to run quadrature point simulations investigating materials for development purposes.

  • materialType (str) – The Marmot material class which should be represented, e.g., MarmotMaterialHypoElastic.

  • elNumber (int) – The number of the element.


If the provides computes residual vectors and stiffness matrices not nodewise, but e.g., fieldwise, this permutation pattern is used to aggregate all entries in order to resemble the defined fields nodewise.


The unique number of this element


The shape of the element in Ensight Gold notation.


The list of fields per node which this entity couples.


Flag to check if a material was assigned to this element.


The total number of degrees of freedom this entity has.


The number of nodes this entity couples.


The list of nodes this currently entity holds.


The nodes for visualization.



Accept the computed state.

computeBodyForce(P, K, load, U, time, dTime)

Not implemented for this wrapper.

computeDistributedLoad(loadType, P, K, ...)

Not implemented for this wrapper.

computeYourself(Ke, Pe, U, dU, time, dTime)

Evaluate the residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a surface load.


Return the only node's coordinates.


Return the only qp's coordinates.


Return the only qp's coordinates.

getResultArray(result, quadraturePoint[, ...])

Get the array of a result, possibly as a persistent view which is continiously updated by the element.


Not used by this wrapper


Rest to the last valid state.

setInitialCondition(stateType, values)

Assign initial conditions.

setMaterial(materialName, materialProperties)

Assign a material and material properties to the underlying Wrapper.


Assign the nodes.


Not used by this wrapper


Accept the computed state.

computeBodyForce(P, K, load, U, time, dTime)[source]

Not implemented for this wrapper.

computeDistributedLoad(loadType, P, K, faceID, load, U, time, dTime)[source]

Not implemented for this wrapper.

computeYourself(Ke, Pe, U, dU, time, dTime)[source]

Evaluate the residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a surface load.

  • P – The external load vector to be defined.

  • K – The stiffness matrix to be defined.

  • U – The current solution vector.

  • dU – The current solution vector increment.

  • time – Array of step time and total time.

  • dTime – The time increment.


Return the only node’s coordinates.


The node’s coordinates.

Return type



Return the only qp’s coordinates.


The qp’s coordinates.

Return type



Return the only qp’s coordinates.


The qp’s coordinates.

Return type


getResultArray(result, quadraturePoint, getPersistentView=True)[source]

Get the array of a result, possibly as a persistent view which is continiously updated by the element.

  • result (str) – The name of the result.

  • quadraturePoint (int) – The number of the quadrature point.

  • getPersistentView (bool) – If true, the returned array should be continiously updated by the element.


The result.

Return type



Not used by this wrapper


Rest to the last valid state.

setInitialCondition(stateType, values)[source]

Assign initial conditions.

  • stateType – The type of initial state.

  • values – The numpy array describing the initial state.

setMaterial(materialName, materialProperties)[source]

Assign a material and material properties to the underlying Wrapper. Furthermore, create two sets of state vars:

  • the actual set,

  • and a temporary set for backup in nonlinear iteration schemes

  • materialName (str) – The name of the requested material.

  • materialProperties (ndarray) – The properties for he requested material.


Assign the nodes.

Only the first node is considered.


nodes (list) – The list of node instances.


Not used by this wrapper

property dofIndicesPermutation

If the provides computes residual vectors and stiffness matrices not nodewise, but e.g., fieldwise, this permutation pattern is used to aggregate all entries in order to resemble the defined fields nodewise.

For performance reasons, this is computed once and stored for later use.

property elNumber

The unique number of this element

property ensightType

The shape of the element in Ensight Gold notation. Valid types are: point bar2 bar3 tria3 tria6 quad4 quad8 tetra4 tetra10 pyramid5 pyramid13 penta6 penta15 hexa8 hexa20 nsided nfaced

property fields

The list of fields per node which this entity couples.

property hasMaterial

Flag to check if a material was assigned to this element.

property nDof

The total number of degrees of freedom this entity has. Not that this information is redundent, as it results from the list of fields on nodes, but we keep this redundant information for the sake of performance.

property nNodes

The number of nodes this entity couples.

property nodes

The list of nodes this currently entity holds.

property visualizationNodes: list[edelweissfe.points.node.Node]

The nodes for visualization. Commonly, these are the same as the nodes of the entity. However, in some cases, the visualization nodes are different from the nodes of the entity, e.g., in case of mixed formulations.

Example: testfiles/QPMarmotMaterialHypoElastic/test.inp
*material, name=LinearElastic, id=myMaterial
**E   | nu |
1.8e4, 0.22

*section, name=section1, material=myMaterial, type=solid

** this is our single dummy node, which carries the strain 'field'
1, 0, 0, 0

*element, provider=MarmotSingleQpElement, type=MarmotMaterialHypoElastic
** This is our mateiral wrapping element. It needs a dummy node to be attached
** to a spatial position.
** The type of the element actually specifies the type of requested MarmotMaterial
1, 1

*job, name=mySingleElementJob, domain=3d
*solver, solver=NIST, name=theSolver

*step, solver=theSolver, maxInc=1e0, minInc=1e0, maxNumInc=100, maxIter=25, stepLength=1
setinitialconditions, property=characteristic element length, values='100,'
dirichlet,  name=prescribed_strain, nSet=all, field=strain symmetric, components='[ 0, x, x, 0, 0, 0 ]',
nodeforces, name=prescribed_stress, nSet=all, field=strain symmetric, components='[ x, 0, 0, x, x, x ]'

*step, solver=theSolver, maxInc=1e-1, minInc=1e0, maxNumInc=10, maxIter=25, stepLength=1
dirichlet, name=prescribed_strain,                                    components='[ -0.2,  x,    x, 0,   0, 0 ]'
nodeforces, name=prescribed_stress,                                   components='[ x,    .1,   .2, x,   x, x ]'

create=perElement, name=stress, elSet=all, result=stress, quadraturePoint=0,  saveHistory=True
create=perElement, name=strain, elSet=all, result=strain, quadraturePoint=0,  saveHistory=True
create=perElement, name=dStress_dStrain, elSet=all, result=dStress_dStrain, quadraturePoint=0,  saveHistory=True, f(x)="np.reshape(x, (6,-1), order='F')"

*output, type=monitor
fieldOutput=stress, f(x)="'\n' + np.array2string(x, formatter={'float_kind':'{:>8.2f}'.format})"
fieldOutput=strain, f(x)="'\n' + np.array2string(x, formatter={'float_kind':'{:>8.2f}'.format})"
fieldOutput=dStress_dStrain, f(x)="'\n' + np.array2string(x, formatter={'float_kind':'{:>8.2f}'.format})"

Provider displacementelement

Relevant module: edelweissfe.elements.displacementelement.element

class edelweissfe.elements.displacementelement.element.DisplacementElement(elementType, elNumber)[source]

Finite elements in EdelweissFE should be derived from this base class in order to follow the general interface.

EdelweissFE expects the layout of the internal and external load vectors, P, PExt, (and the stiffness) to be of the form

[ node 1 - dofs field 1,
  node 1 - dofs field 2,
  node 1 - ... ,
  node 1 - dofs field n,
  node 2 - dofs field 1,
  ... ,
  node N - dofs field n].
  • elementType (str) – A string identifying the requested element formulation.

  • elNumber (int) – A unique integer label used for all kinds of purposes.


The permutation pattern for the residual vector and the stiffness matrix to aggregate all entries in order to resemble the defined fields nodewise.


The unique number of this element


The shape of the element in Ensight Gold notation.


The list of fields per nodes.


Flag to check if a material was assigned to this element.


The total number of degrees of freedom this element has


The number of nodes this element requires


The list of nodes this element holds


The nodes for visualization.



Accept the computed state (in nonlinear iteration schemes).

computeBodyForce(P, K, load, U, time, dTime)

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a body force load.

computeDistributedLoad(loadType, P, K, ...)

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a surface load.

computeYourself(K_, P, U, dU, time, dTime)

Evaluate the residual and stiffness matrix for given time, field, and field increment due to a displacement or load.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement centroid coordinates.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement qp coordinates.


Get the number of Quadrature points the element has.

getResultArray(result, quadraturePoint[, ...])

Get the array of a result, possibly as a persistent view which is continiously updated by the element.


Initalize the element to be ready for computing.


Reset to the last valid state.

setInitialCondition(stateType, values)

Assign initial conditions.


Assign a material.


Assign the nodes to the element.


Assign a set of properties to the element.


Accept the computed state (in nonlinear iteration schemes).

computeBodyForce(P, K, load, U, time, dTime)[source]

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a body force load.

  • P (ndarray) – The external load vector to be defined.

  • K (ndarray) – The stiffness matrix to be defined.

  • load (ndarray) – The magnitude (or vector) describing the load.

  • U (ndarray) – The current solution vector.

  • time (ndarray) – Array of step time and total time.

  • dTime (float) – The time increment.

computeDistributedLoad(loadType, P, K, faceID, load, U, time, dTime)[source]

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a surface load.

  • loadType (str) – The type of load.

  • P (ndarray) – The external load vector to be defined.

  • K (ndarray) – The stiffness matrix to be defined.

  • faceID (int) – The number of the elements face this load acts on.

  • load (ndarray) – The magnitude (or vector) describing the load.

  • U (ndarray) – The current solution vector.

  • time (ndarray) – Array of step time and total time.

  • dTime (float) – The time increment.

computeYourself(K_, P, U, dU, time, dTime)[source]

Evaluate the residual and stiffness matrix for given time, field, and field increment due to a displacement or load.

  • P (ndarray) – The external load vector gets calculated.

  • K – The stiffness matrix gets calculated.

  • U (ndarray) – The current solution vector.

  • dU (ndarray) – The current solution vector increment.

  • time (ndarray) – Array of step time and total time.

  • dTime (float) – The time increment.

  • K_ (ndarray) –


Compute the underlying MarmotElement centroid coordinates.


The element’s central coordinates.

Return type



Compute the underlying MarmotElement qp coordinates.


The element’s qp coordinates.

Return type



Get the number of Quadrature points the element has.


The number of Quadrature points.

Return type


getResultArray(result, quadraturePoint, getPersistentView=True)[source]

Get the array of a result, possibly as a persistent view which is continiously updated by the element.

  • result (str) – The name of the result.

  • quadraturePoint (int) – The number of the quadrature point.

  • getPersistentView (bool) – If true, the returned array should be continiously updated by the element.


The result.

Return type



Initalize the element to be ready for computing.


Reset to the last valid state.

setInitialCondition(stateType, values)[source]

Assign initial conditions.

  • stateType (str) – The type of initial state.

  • values (ndarray) – The numpy array describing the initial state.


Assign a material.


material (type) – An initalized instance of a material.


Assign the nodes to the element.


nodes (list[edelweissfe.points.node.Node]) – A list of nodes.


Assign a set of properties to the element.


elementProperties (ndarray) – A numpy array containing the element properties.


Thickness of 2D elements.

property dofIndicesPermutation: ndarray

The permutation pattern for the residual vector and the stiffness matrix to aggregate all entries in order to resemble the defined fields nodewise. In this case it stays the same because we use the nodes exactly like they are.

property elNumber: int

The unique number of this element

property ensightType: str

The shape of the element in Ensight Gold notation.

property fields: list[list[str]]

The list of fields per nodes.

property hasMaterial: str

Flag to check if a material was assigned to this element.

property nDof: int

The total number of degrees of freedom this element has

property nNodes: int

The number of nodes this element requires

property nodes: int

The list of nodes this element holds

property visualizationNodes: str

The nodes for visualization.

The elementType definition has to be of the following form:


One of the following element types needs to be included in the definition (elementType[0:5]).

  • Quad4 - quadrilateral 2D element with 4 nodes.

  • Quad8 - quadrilateral 2D element with 8 nodes.

  • Hexa8 - hexahedron 3D element with 8 nodes.

additional Parameters

The following optional Parameters are also included in the element type definition.

  • R - reduced integration for element, in elementType[5], currently possible for Q8 and Q4.

  • E - extended integration for element, in elementType[5], currently possible for Q4.

  • PE - use plane strain for 2D elements, in elementType[6:8] or elementType[5:7].

  • PS - use plane stress for 2D elements, in elementType[6:8] or elementType[5:7].


If R or E is not given by the user, we assume regular integration.

If PE or PS is not given by the user, we assume PE.

Example of the usage of a quadrilateral element with 4 nodes, regular integration and plane strain.

Example: examples/CantileverBeam/test4.inp
** cantilever beam, steel, l=10000mm, h=100mm, b=40mm, calculation in [N/mm²]
*material, name=linearelastic, id=linearelastic,
** elasticity module and poisson's ratio
210000.0, 0.15

*section, name=section1, thickness=40.0, material=linearelastic, type=plane
** assign section with 40mm thickness and linear elastic to all elements

** make job
*job, name=cps4job, domain=2d
** choose solver
*solver, solver=NIST, name=theSolver

create=perNode, nSet=gen_bottom, result=P, field=displacement, name=RF
** displacement output for all elements
create=perNode, elSet=all, field=displacement, result=U, name=displacement

*modelGenerator, generator=planeRectQuad, name=gen
** create model: length 10000mm, height 100mm with 300 elements in l direction and 4 in h direction
x0=0, l=10000
y0=0, h=100
** quadrilateral element with 4 nodes, normal integration and plane strain
** set provider

*output, type=monitor
fieldOutput=RF, f(x)='mean(x[:,1])'

** create output data to open with paraview
*output, type=ensight, name=esExport
configuration, overwrite=yes
create=perNode,    fieldOutput=displacement

** set steps with size between 1 and 1e-8, 1000 iterations and max 25 iterations
*step, solver=theSolver, maxInc=1e-0, minInc=1e-8, maxNumInc=1000, maxIter=25, stepLength=100
** fix one side (fixed support)
dirichlet, name=left, nSet=gen_left,  field=displacement, 2=0, 1=0
** set load -1000N in one point down
nodeforces, name=cloadTop, nSet=gen_rightTop, components='0,-1000', field=displacement

Example of the usage of a quadrilateral element with 8 nodes, regular integration and plane strain for the same example.

Example: examples/CantileverBeam/test8.inp
** cantilever beam, steel, l=10000mm, h=100mm, b=40mm, calculation in [N/mm²]
*material, name=linearelastic, id=linearelastic,
** elasticity module and poisson's ratio
210000.0, 0.15

*section, name=section1, thickness=40.0, material=linearelastic, type=plane
** assign section with 40mm thickness and linear elastic to all elements

** make job
*job, name=cps4job, domain=2d
** choose solver
*solver, solver=NIST, name=theSolver

create=perNode, nSet=gen_bottom, result=P, field=displacement, name=RF
** displacement output for all elements
create=perNode, elSet=all, field=displacement, result=U, name=displacement

*modelGenerator, generator=planeRectQuad, name=gen
** create model: length 10000mm, height 100mm with 300 elements in l direction and 4 in h direction
x0=0, l=10000
y0=0, h=100
** quadrilateral element with 4 nodes, normal integration and plane strain
** set provider

*output, type=monitor
fieldOutput=RF, f(x)='mean(x[:,1])'

** create output data to open with paraview
*output, type=ensight, name=esExport
configuration, overwrite=yes
create=perNode,    fieldOutput=displacement

** set steps with size between 1 and 1e-8, 1000 iterations and max 25 iterations with step length 100
*step, solver=theSolver, maxInc=1e-0, minInc=1e-8, maxNumInc=1000, maxIter=25, stepLength=100
** fix one side (fixed support)
dirichlet, name=left, nSet=gen_left,  field=displacement, 2=0, 1=0
** set load -1000N in one point down
nodeforces, name=cloadTop, nSet=gen_rightTop, components='0,-1000', field=displacement

Example of the usage of a 3D hexahedron element with 8 nodes.

Example: examples/CantileverBeam/test3D.inp
*material, name=LinearElastic, id=linearelastic
**Isotropic material
**E    nu -> elasticity module and poisson's ratio
1.8e4, 0.22

** make job
*job, name=c3d8job, domain=3d
** choose solver
*solver, solver=NIST, name=theSolver

*modelGenerator, generator=boxGen, name=gen
** set number of elements for directions: 400, 4, 4
nX      =400
nY      =4
nZ      =4
** create model: length 500mm, with section of 5mm x 5mm
lX      =500
lY      =5
lZ      =5
** use provider: displacementelement
elProvider =displacementelement
** use hexahedron element with 8 nodes and normal integration
elType  =Hexa8

*section, name=section1, material=linearelastic, type=solid
** assign linear elastic section to all elements

** displacement output for all elements
create=perNode, elSet=all, field=displacement, result=U, name=displacement

** create output data to open with paraview
*output, type=ensight, name=test
create=perNode, fieldOutput=displacement
configuration, overwrite=yes

*output, type=monitor

** set step size between 1 and 1e-9, 1000 iterations, 25 max iterations and step length 1
*step, solver=theSolver, maxInc=1e0, minInc=1e-9, maxNumInc=1000, maxIter=25, stepLength=1
options, category=NISTSolver, extrapolation=off
** fix one side (fixed support)
dirichlet, name=Left,  nSet=gen_left, field=displacement, 1=0.0, 2=0.0, 3=.0
** set load in z to 0.012N for all the points on right back
nodeforces, name=cloadTop, nSet=gen_rightBack, components='0, 0, .012', field=displacement

Implementing your own elements

Relevant module: edelweissfe.elements.base.baseelement

Implementing your own finite elements can be done easily by subclassing from the abstract base class BaseElement.

class edelweissfe.elements.base.baseelement.BaseElement(elementType, elNumber)[source]

Finite elements in EdelweissFE should be derived from this base class in order to follow the general interface.

EdelweissFE expects the layout of the internal and external load vectors, P, PExt, (and the stiffness) to be of the form

[ node 1 - dofs field 1,
  node 1 - dofs field 2,
  node 1 - ... ,
  node 1 - dofs field n,
  node 2 - dofs field 1,
  ... ,
  node N - dofs field n].
  • elementType (str) – A string identifying the requested element formulation.

  • elNumber (int) – A unique integer label used for all kinds of purposes.


If the provides computes residual vectors and stiffness matrices not nodewise, but e.g., fieldwise, this permutation pattern is used to aggregate all entries in order to resemble the defined fields nodewise.


The unique number of this element


The shape of the element in Ensight Gold notation.


The list of fields per node which this entity couples.


Flag to check if a material was assigned to this element.


The total number of degrees of freedom this entity has.


The number of nodes this entity couples.


The list of nodes this currently entity holds.


The nodes for visualization.



Accept the computed state (in nonlinear iteration schemes).

computeBodyForce(P, K, load, U, time, dTime)

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a body force load.

computeDistributedLoad(loadType, P, K, ...)

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a surface load.

computeYourself(P, K, U, dU, time, dT)

Evaluate the residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a surface load.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement centroid coordinates.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement qp coordinates.


Compute the underlying MarmotElement qp coordinates.

getResultArray(result, quadraturePoint[, ...])

Get the array of a result, possibly as a persistent view which is continiously updated by the element.


Initalize the element to be ready for computing.


Rest to the last valid state.

setInitialCondition(stateType, values)

Assign initial conditions.

setMaterial(materialName, materialProperties)

Assign a material and material properties.


Assign the nodes to the element.


Assign a set of properties to the element.

abstract acceptLastState()[source]

Accept the computed state (in nonlinear iteration schemes).

abstract computeBodyForce(P, K, load, U, time, dTime)[source]

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a body force load.

  • P (ndarray) – The external load vector to be defined.

  • K (ndarray) – The stiffness matrix to be defined.

  • load (ndarray) – The magnitude (or vector) describing the load.

  • U (ndarray) – The current solution vector.

  • time (ndarray) – Array of step time and total time.

  • dTime (float) – The time increment.

abstract computeDistributedLoad(loadType, P, K, faceID, load, U, time, dT)[source]

Evaluate residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a surface load.

  • loadType (str) – The type of load.

  • P (ndarray) – The external load vector to be defined.

  • K (ndarray) – The stiffness matrix to be defined.

  • faceID (int) – The number of the elements face this load acts on.

  • load (ndarray) – The magnitude (or vector) describing the load.

  • U (ndarray) – The current solution vector.

  • time (ndarray) – Array of step time and total time.

  • dTime – The time increment.

  • dT (float) –

abstract computeYourself(P, K, U, dU, time, dT)[source]

Evaluate the residual and stiffness for given time, field, and field increment due to a surface load.

  • P (ndarray) – The external load vector to be defined.

  • K (ndarray) – The stiffness matrix to be defined.

  • U (ndarray) – The current solution vector.

  • dU (ndarray) – The current solution vector increment.

  • time (ndarray) – Array of step time and total time.

  • dTime – The time increment.

  • dT (float) –

abstract getCoordinatesAtCenter()[source]

Compute the underlying MarmotElement centroid coordinates.


The element’s central coordinates.

Return type


abstract getCoordinatesAtQuadraturePoints()[source]

Compute the underlying MarmotElement qp coordinates.


The element’s qp coordinates.

Return type


abstract getNumberOfQuadraturePoints()[source]

Compute the underlying MarmotElement qp coordinates.


The element’s qp coordinates.

Return type


abstract getResultArray(result, quadraturePoint, getPersistentView=True)[source]

Get the array of a result, possibly as a persistent view which is continiously updated by the element.

  • result (str) – The name of the result.

  • quadraturePoint (int) – The number of the quadrature point.

  • getPersistentView (bool) – If true, the returned array should be continiously updated by the element.


The result.

Return type


abstract initializeElement()[source]

Initalize the element to be ready for computing.

abstract resetToLastValidState()[source]

Rest to the last valid state.

abstract setInitialCondition(stateType, values)[source]

Assign initial conditions.

  • stateType (str) – The type of initial state.

  • values (ndarray) – The numpy array describing the initial state.

abstract setMaterial(materialName, materialProperties)[source]

Assign a material and material properties.

  • materialName (str) – The name of the requested material.

  • materialProperties (ndarray) – The numpy array containing the material properties.

abstract setNodes(nodes)[source]

Assign the nodes to the element.


nodes (list[edelweissfe.points.node.Node]) – A list of nodes.

abstract setProperties(elementProperties)[source]

Assign a set of properties to the element.


elementProperties (ndarray) – A numpy array containing the element properties.

abstract property elNumber: int

The unique number of this element

abstract property hasMaterial: str

Flag to check if a material was assigned to this element.