Source code for edelweissfe.solvers.nonlinearimplicitstaticparallelarclength

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#  _____    _      _              _         _____ _____
# | ____|__| | ___| |_      _____(_)___ ___|  ___| ____|
# |  _| / _` |/ _ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \ / __/ __| |_  |  _|
# | |__| (_| |  __/ |\ V  V /  __/ \__ \__ \  _| | |___
# |_____\__,_|\___|_| \_/\_/ \___|_|___/___/_|   |_____|
#  Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis
#  University of Innsbruck,
#  2017 - today
#  Matthias Neuner
#  This file is part of EdelweissFE.
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  The full text of the license can be found in the file at
#  the top level directory of EdelweissFE.
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Created on Thu Nov  2 13:43:01 2017

# @author: Matthias Neuner
(Parallel) Arc Length Solver, based on the proposed approach in Jirásek/Bažant 2001.
Replaces the NewtonRaphson scheme of the NISTParallel Solver.

import numpy as np

from edelweissfe.models.femodel import FEModel
from edelweissfe.numerics.dofmanager import DofVector, VIJSystemMatrix
from edelweissfe.outputmanagers.base.outputmanagerbase import OutputManagerBase
from edelweissfe.solvers.nonlinearimplicitstaticparallel import NISTParallel
from edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase import StepActionBase
from edelweissfe.timesteppers.timestep import TimeStep
from edelweissfe.utils.exceptions import (
from edelweissfe.utils.fieldoutput import FieldOutputController
from edelweissfe.utils.math import createModelAccessibleFunction

[docs]class NISTPArcLength(NISTParallel): identification = "NISTPArcLength" def __init__(self, jobInfo, journal, **kwargs): self.Lambda = 0.0 self.dLambda = 0.0 self.arcLengthController = None return super().__init__(jobInfo, journal, **kwargs)
[docs] def solveStep( self, step: dict, model: FEModel, fieldOutputController: FieldOutputController, outputmanagers: dict[str, OutputManagerBase], ): self.arcLengthController = None self.checkConditionalStop = lambda: False if "arc length parameter" in model.additionalParameters: self.Lambda = model.additionalParameters["arc length parameter"] arcLengthControllerOptions = step.actions["options"].get("NISTArcLength") if arcLengthControllerOptions: arcLengthController = arcLengthControllerOptions.get("arcLengthController") if arcLengthController: try: self.arcLengthController = step.actions[arcLengthController][arcLengthController] self.dLambda = 0.0 except KeyError: self.journal.errorMessage( f'Arc length controller "{arcLengthController}" not found in current step or not configured correctly', self.identification, ) raise KeyError else: self.journal.message( "No ArcLengthController specified in current step", self.identification, ) self.arcLengthController = None self.dLambda = None stopCondition = arcLengthControllerOptions.get("stopCondition") if stopCondition: # self.journal.message("St", self.identification) self.checkConditionalStop = createModelAccessibleFunction( stopCondition, model=model, fieldOutputs=fieldOutputController.fieldOutputs, ) else: self.journal.message("No ArcLengthController specified in current step", self.identification) self.arcLengthController = None self.dLambda = None return super().solveStep(step, model, fieldOutputController, outputmanagers)
[docs] def solveIncrement( self, U_n: DofVector, dU: DofVector, P: DofVector, K: VIJSystemMatrix, stepActions: list, model, timeStep: TimeStep, prevTimeStep: TimeStep, extrapolation: str, maxIter: int, maxGrowingIter: int, ) -> tuple[DofVector, DofVector, DofVector, int, dict]: """Arc length method scheme to solve for an increment. Parameters ---------- U_n The old solution vector. dU The old solution increment. P The old reaction vector. K The system matrix to be used. elements The dictionary containing all elements. activeStepActions The list of active step actions. constraints The dictionary containing all elements. timeStep The current time step. prevTimeStep The previous time step. extrapolation The type of extrapolation to be used. maxIter The maximum number of iterations to be used. maxGrowingIter The maximum number of growing residuals until the Newton-Raphson is terminated. Returns ------- tuple[DofVector,DofVector,DofVector,int,dict] A tuple containing - the new solution vector - the solution increment - the new reaction vector - the number of required iterations - the history of residuals per field """ if self.arcLengthController is None: return super().solveIncrement( U_n, dU, P, K, stepActions, model, timeStep, prevTimeStep, extrapolation, maxIter, maxGrowingIter, ) if timeStep.number > 1 and self.checkConditionalStop(): raise ConditionalStop iterationCounter = 0 incrementResidualHistory = dict.fromkeys(self.theDofManager.idcsOfFieldsInDofVector, (0.0, 0)) dirichlets = stepActions["dirichlet"].values() nodeForces = stepActions["nodeforces"].values() distributedLoads = stepActions["distributedload"].values() bodyForces = stepActions["bodyforce"].values() for stepActionType in stepActions.values(): for action in stepActionType.values(): action.applyAtIncrementStart(model, timeStep) R_ = np.tile(self.theDofManager.constructDofVector(), (2, 1)).T # 2 RHSs R_0 = R_[:, 0] R_f = R_[:, 1] F = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() # accumulated Flux vector P_0 = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() P_f = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() K_f = self.theDofManager.constructVIJSystemMatrix() K_0 = self.theDofManager.constructVIJSystemMatrix() U_np = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() ddU = None Lambda = self.Lambda dLambda = self.dLambda ddLambda = 0.0 dU, isExtrapolatedIncrement, dLambda = self.extrapolateLastIncrement( extrapolation, timeStep, dU, dirichlets, prevTimeStep, model, dLambda ) # referenceIncrement = incNumber, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # zeroIncrement = incNumber, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 referenceTimeStep = TimeStep(timeStep.number, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) zeroTimeStep = TimeStep(timeStep.number, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) while True: for geostatic in stepActions["geostatics"]: geostatic.apply() U_np[:] = U_n U_np += dU P[:] = K[:] = F[:] = P_0[:] = P_f[:] = K_f[:] = K_0[:] = 0.0 P, K, F = self.computeElements(model.elements, U_np, dU, P, K, F, timeStep) P, K = self.assembleConstraints(model.constraints, U_np, dU, P, K, timeStep) P_0, K_0 = self.assembleLoads( nodeForces, distributedLoads, bodyForces, U_np, P_0, K_0, zeroTimeStep ) # compute 'dead' deadloads, like gravity P_f, K_f = self.assembleLoads( nodeForces, distributedLoads, bodyForces, U_np, P_f, K_f, referenceTimeStep, ) # compute 'dead' deadloads, like gravity P_f -= P_0 # and subtract the dead part, since we are only interested in the homogeneous linear part K_f -= K_0 # Dead and Reference load .. R_0[:] = P_0 + (Lambda + dLambda) * P_f + P R_f[:] = P_f # add stiffness contribution K[:] += K_0 K[:] += (Lambda + dLambda) * K_f # Dirichlets .. if isExtrapolatedIncrement and iterationCounter == 0: R_0 = self.applyDirichlet(zeroTimeStep, R_0, dirichlets) else: modifiedTimeStep = TimeStep(timeStep.number, dLambda, Lambda + dLambda, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) R_0 = self.applyDirichlet(modifiedTimeStep, R_0, dirichlets) R_f = self.applyDirichlet(referenceTimeStep, R_f, dirichlets) if iterationCounter > 0 or isExtrapolatedIncrement: converged, nodesWithLargestResidual = self.checkConvergence( R_0, ddU, F, iterationCounter, incrementResidualHistory ) if converged: break if self.checkDivergingSolution(incrementResidualHistory, maxGrowingIter): self.printResidualOutlierNodes(nodesWithLargestResidual) raise DivergingSolution("Residual grew {:} times, cutting back".format(maxGrowingIter)) if iterationCounter == maxIter: self.printResidualOutlierNodes(nodesWithLargestResidual) raise ReachedMaxIterations("Reached max. iterations in current increment, cutting back") K_ = self.assembleStiffnessCSR(K) K_ = self.applyDirichletK(K_, dirichlets) # solve 2 eq. systems at once: ddU_ = self.linearSolve(K_, R_) # q_0 = K⁻¹ * ( Pext_0 + dLambda * Pext_Ref - PInt ) # q_f = K⁻¹ * ( Pext_Ref ) ddU_0, ddU_f = ddU_[:, 0], ddU_[:, 1] # compute the increment of the load parameter. Method depends on the employed arc length controller ddLambda = self.arcLengthController.computeDDLambda(dU, ddU_0, ddU_f, timeStep, self.theDofManager) # assemble total solution ddU = ddU_0 + ddLambda * ddU_f dU += ddU dLambda += ddLambda iterationCounter += 1 self.Lambda += dLambda self.dLambda = dLambda self.arcLengthController.finishIncrement(U_n, dU, dLambda, timeStep, self.theDofManager) model.additionalParameters["additionalParameters"] = self.Lambda for stepActionType in stepActions.values(): for action in stepActionType.values(): action.applyAtIncrementStart(model, timeStep) self.journal.message( "Current load parameter: lambda={:6.2e}, last increment: dLambda={:6.2e}".format(self.Lambda, self.dLambda), self.identification, level=1, ) return U_np, dU, P, iterationCounter, incrementResidualHistory
[docs] def extrapolateLastIncrement( self, extrapolation: str, timeStep: TimeStep, dU: DofVector, dirichlets: list, prevTimeStep: TimeStep, model: FEModel, dLambda: float = None, ) -> tuple[DofVector, bool]: """Depending on the current setting, extrapolate the solution of the last increment. Also accounts for the arc length loading parameter. Parameters ---------- extrapolation The type of extrapolation. timeStep The current time increment. dU The last solution increment. dirichlets The list of active dirichlet boundary conditions. prevTimeStep The previous TimeStep Returns ------- tuple[DofVector,bool] - The extrapolated solution increment. - True if an extrapolation was performed. """ # incNumber, incrementSize, stepProgress, dT, stepTime, totalTime = increment if dLambda is None: # arclength control is inactive return super().extrapolateLastIncrement(extrapolation, timeStep, dU, dirichlets, prevTimeStep, model) elif extrapolation == "linear" and prevTimeStep and prevTimeStep.stepProgressIncrement: dLambda = dLambda * (timeStep.stepProgressIncrement / prevTimeStep.stepProgressIncrement) dU, isExtrapolatedIncrement = super().extrapolateLastIncrement( extrapolation, timeStep, dU, {}, prevTimeStep, model ) else: dLambda = 0.0 dU[:] = 0.0 isExtrapolatedIncrement = False return dU, isExtrapolatedIncrement, dLambda
[docs] def applyStepActionsAtStepEnd(self, model, stepActions: dict[str, StepActionBase]): """Called when all step actions should finish a step. For the arc length controlled simulation, external loads at the end of a step depend on the arc length parameter. Hence, for subsequent steps, the new reference loads depend on this parameter. We communicate this to the step actions before the parent solver tells them that the step is finished. Parameters ---------- U The solution vector. P The reaction vector. stepActions The list of active step actions. """ if self.arcLengthController is not None: for stepAction in stepActions["nodeforces"].values(): stepAction.applyAtStepEnd(model, stepMagnitude=self.Lambda) for stepAction in stepActions["distributedload"].values(): stepAction.applyAtStepEnd(model, stepMagnitude=self.Lambda) for stepAction in stepActions["bodeforce"].values(): stepAction.applyAtStepEnd(model, stepMagnitude=self.Lambda) return super().applyStepActionsAtStepEnd(model, stepActions)