Source code for edelweissfe.solvers.nonlinearimplicitstatic

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#  _____    _      _              _         _____ _____
# | ____|__| | ___| |_      _____(_)___ ___|  ___| ____|
# |  _| / _` |/ _ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \ / __/ __| |_  |  _|
# | |__| (_| |  __/ |\ V  V /  __/ \__ \__ \  _| | |___
# |_____\__,_|\___|_| \_/\_/ \___|_|___/___/_|   |_____|
#  Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis
#  University of Innsbruck,
#  2017 - today
#  Matthias Neuner
#  This file is part of EdelweissFE.
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  The full text of the license can be found in the file at
#  the top level directory of EdelweissFE.
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Created on Sun Jan  8 20:37:35 2017

# @author: Matthias Neuner

from time import time as getCurrentTime

import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

from edelweissfe.config.linsolve import getDefaultLinSolver, getLinSolverByName
from edelweissfe.config.timing import createTimingDict
from edelweissfe.constraints.base.constraintbase import ConstraintBase
from edelweissfe.models.femodel import FEModel
from edelweissfe.numerics.csrgenerator import CSRGenerator
from edelweissfe.numerics.dofmanager import DofManager, DofVector, VIJSystemMatrix
from edelweissfe.outputmanagers.base.outputmanagerbase import OutputManagerBase
from edelweissfe.stepactions.base.stepactionbase import StepActionBase
from edelweissfe.timesteppers.timestep import TimeStep
from edelweissfe.utils.exceptions import (
from edelweissfe.utils.fieldoutput import FieldOutputController

[docs]class NIST: """This is the Nonlinear Implicit STatic -- solver. Parameters ---------- jobInfo A dictionary containing the job information. journal The journal instance for logging. """ identification = "NISTSolver" NISTOptions = { "defaultMaxIter": 10, "defaultCriticalIter": 5, "defaultMaxGrowingIter": 10, "extrapolation": "linear", "linsolver": "pardiso", } def __init__(self, jobInfo, journal, **kwargs): self.journal = journal self.fieldCorrectionTolerances = jobInfo["fieldCorrectionTolerance"] self.fluxResidualTolerances = jobInfo["fluxResidualTolerance"] self.fluxResidualTolerancesAlt = jobInfo["fluxResidualToleranceAlternative"] self.options = self.NISTOptions.copy() self._updateOptions(kwargs, journal) def _updateOptions(self, updatedOptions: dict, journal): """Update options of the solver using a string dict Parameters ---------- updatedOptions The options dictionary. journal The journal module. """ for k, v in updatedOptions.items(): if k in self.NISTOptions: journal.message("Updating option {:}={:}".format(k, v), self.identification) self.options[k] = type(self.NISTOptions[k])(updatedOptions[k]) else: raise AttributeError("Invalid option {:} for {:}".format(k, self.identification))
[docs] def solveStep( self, step, model: FEModel, fieldOutputController: FieldOutputController, outputmanagers: dict[str, OutputManagerBase], ) -> tuple[bool, FEModel]: """Public interface to solve for a step. Parameters ---------- stepNumber The step number. step The dictionary containing the step definition. stepActions The dictionary containing all step actions. model The model tree. fieldOutputController The field output controller. """ self.journal.message("Creating monolithic equation system", self.identification, 0) self.theDofManager = DofManager( model.nodeFields.values(), model.scalarVariables.values(), model.elements.values(), model.constraints.values(), model.nodeSets.values(), ) self.journal.message( "total size of eq. system: {:}".format(self.theDofManager.nDof), self.identification, 0, ) self.journal.printSeperationLine() presentVariableNames = list(self.theDofManager.idcsOfFieldsInDofVector.keys()) if self.theDofManager.idcsOfScalarVariablesInDofVector: presentVariableNames += [ "scalar variables", ] nVariables = len(presentVariableNames) self.iterationHeader = ("{:^25}" * nVariables).format(*presentVariableNames) self.iterationHeader2 = (" {:<10} {:<10} ").format("||R||∞", "||ddU||∞") * nVariables self.iterationMessageTemplate = "{:11.2e}{:1}{:11.2e}{:1} " U = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() K = self.theDofManager.constructVIJSystemMatrix() self.csrGenerator = CSRGenerator(K) self.computationTimes = createTimingDict() try: self._updateOptions(step.actions["options"]["NISTSolver"].options, self.journal) except KeyError: pass extrapolation = self.options["extrapolation"] self.linSolver = ( getLinSolverByName(self.options["linsolver"]) if "linsolver" in self.options else getDefaultLinSolver() ) maxIter = step.maxIter criticalIter = step.criticalIter maxGrowingIter = step.maxGrowIter # nodes = model.nodes # elements = model.elements # constraints = model.constraints U = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() P = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() dU = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() for fieldName, field in model.nodeFields.items(): U = self.theDofManager.writeNodeFieldToDofVector(U, field, "U") for variable in model.scalarVariables.values(): U[self.theDofManager.idcsOfScalarVariablesInDofVector[variable]] = variable.value prevTimeStep = None self.applyStepActionsAtStepStart(model, step.actions) try: for timeStep in step.getTimeStep(): statusInfoDict = { "step": step.number, "inc": timeStep.number, "iters": None, "converged": False, "time inc": timeStep.timeIncrement, "time end": timeStep.totalTime, "notes": "", } self.journal.printSeperationLine() self.journal.message( "increment {:}: {:8f}, {:8f}; time {:10f} to {:10f}".format( timeStep.number, timeStep.stepProgressIncrement, timeStep.stepProgress, timeStep.totalTime - timeStep.timeIncrement, timeStep.totalTime, ), self.identification, level=1, ) self.journal.message(self.iterationHeader, self.identification, level=2) self.journal.message(self.iterationHeader2, self.identification, level=2) try: U, dU, P, iterationCounter, incrementResidualHistory = self.solveIncrement( U, dU, P, K, step.actions, model, timeStep, prevTimeStep, extrapolation, maxIter, maxGrowingIter, ) except CutbackRequest as e: self.journal.message(str(e), self.identification, 1) step.discardAndChangeIncrement(max(e.cutbackSize, 0.25)) prevTimeStep = None statusInfoDict["iters"] = np.inf statusInfoDict["notes"] = str(e) tic = getCurrentTime() for man in outputmanagers: man.finalizeFailedIncrement( statusInfoDict=statusInfoDict, currentComputingTimes=self.computationTimes, ) toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["output"] += toc - tic except (ReachedMaxIterations, DivergingSolution) as e: self.journal.message(str(e), self.identification, 1) step.discardAndChangeIncrement(0.25) prevTimeStep = None statusInfoDict["iters"] = np.inf statusInfoDict["notes"] = str(e) tic = getCurrentTime() for man in outputmanagers: man.finalizeFailedIncrement( statusInfoDict=statusInfoDict, currentComputingTimes=self.computationTimes, ) toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["output"] += toc - tic else: prevTimeStep = timeStep if iterationCounter >= criticalIter: step.preventIncrementIncrease() # write results to nodes: for fieldName, field in model.nodeFields.items(): self.theDofManager.writeDofVectorToNodeField(U, field, "U") self.theDofManager.writeDofVectorToNodeField(P, field, "P") self.theDofManager.writeDofVectorToNodeField(dU, field, "dU") for variable in model.scalarVariables.values(): variable.value = U[self.theDofManager.idcsOfScalarVariablesInDofVector[variable]] model.advanceToTime(timeStep.totalTime) self.journal.message( "Converged in {:} iteration(s)".format(iterationCounter), self.identification, 1, ) statusInfoDict["iters"] = iterationCounter statusInfoDict["converged"] = True fieldOutputController.finalizeIncrement() tic = getCurrentTime() for man in outputmanagers: man.finalizeIncrement( currentComputingTimes=self.computationTimes, statusInfoDict=statusInfoDict, ) toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["output"] += toc - tic except (ReachedMaxIncrements, ReachedMinIncrementSize): self.journal.errorMessage("Incrementation failed", self.identification) raise StepFailed() except ConditionalStop: self.journal.message("Conditional Stop", self.identification) self.applyStepActionsAtStepEnd(model, step.actions) else: self.applyStepActionsAtStepEnd(model, step.actions) finally: self.journal.printTable( [("Time in {:}".format(k), " {:10.4e}s".format(v)) for k, v in self.computationTimes.items()], self.identification, )
[docs] def solveIncrement( self, U_n: DofVector, dU: DofVector, P: DofVector, K: VIJSystemMatrix, stepActions: list, model: FEModel, timeStep: TimeStep, prevTimeStep: TimeStep, extrapolation: str, maxIter: int, maxGrowingIter: int, ) -> tuple[DofVector, DofVector, DofVector, int, dict]: """Standard Newton-Raphson scheme to solve for an increment. Parameters ---------- Un The old solution vector. dU The old solution increment. P The old reaction vector. K The system matrix to be used. elements The dictionary containing all elements. stepActions The list of active step actions. model The model tree. increment The increment. lastIncrementSize The size of the previous increment. extrapolation The type of extrapolation to be used. maxIter The maximum number of iterations to be used. maxGrowingIter The maximum number of growing residuals until the Newton-Raphson is terminated. Returns ------- tuple[DofVector,DofVector,DofVector,int,dict] A tuple containing - the new solution vector - the solution increment - the new reaction vector - the number of required iterations - the history of residuals per field """ # incNumber, incrementSize, stepProgress, dT, stepTime, totalTime = timeStep iterationCounter = 0 incrementResidualHistory = dict.fromkeys(self.theDofManager.idcsOfFieldsInDofVector, (0.0, 0)) elements = model.elements constraints = model.constraints R = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() F = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() PExt = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() U_np = self.theDofManager.constructDofVector() ddU = None dirichlets = stepActions["dirichlet"].values() nodeforces = stepActions["nodeforces"].values() distributedLoads = stepActions["distributedload"].values() bodyForces = stepActions["bodyforce"].values() self.applyStepActionsAtIncrementStart(model, timeStep, stepActions) dU, isExtrapolatedIncrement = self.extrapolateLastIncrement( extrapolation, timeStep, dU, dirichlets, prevTimeStep, model ) while True: for geostatic in stepActions["geostatic"].values(): geostatic.applyAtIterationStart() U_np[:] = U_n U_np += dU P[:] = K[:] = F[:] = PExt[:] = 0.0 P, K, F = self.computeElements(elements, U_np, dU, P, K, F, timeStep) PExt, K = self.assembleLoads(nodeforces, distributedLoads, bodyForces, U_np, PExt, K, timeStep) PExt, K = self.assembleConstraints(constraints, U_np, dU, PExt, K, timeStep) R[:] = P R += PExt if iterationCounter == 0 and not isExtrapolatedIncrement and dirichlets: # first iteration? apply dirichlet bcs and unconditionally solve R = self.applyDirichlet(timeStep, R, dirichlets) else: # iteration cycle 1 or higher, time to check the convergence for dirichlet in dirichlets: R[self.findDirichletIndices(dirichlet)] = 0.0 converged, nodesWithLargestResidual = self.checkConvergence( R, ddU, F, iterationCounter, incrementResidualHistory ) if converged: break if self.checkDivergingSolution(incrementResidualHistory, maxGrowingIter): self.printResidualOutlierNodes(nodesWithLargestResidual) raise DivergingSolution("Residual grew {:} times, cutting back".format(maxGrowingIter)) if iterationCounter == maxIter: self.printResidualOutlierNodes(nodesWithLargestResidual) raise ReachedMaxIterations("Reached max. iterations in current increment, cutting back") K_ = self.assembleStiffnessCSR(K) K_ = self.applyDirichletK(K_, dirichlets) ddU = self.linearSolve(K_, R) dU += ddU iterationCounter += 1 return U_np, dU, P, iterationCounter, incrementResidualHistory
[docs] def computeDistributedLoads( self, distributedLoads: list[StepActionBase], U_np: DofVector, PExt: DofVector, K: VIJSystemMatrix, timeStep: TimeStep, ) -> tuple[DofVector, VIJSystemMatrix]: """Loop over all distributed loads acting on elements, and evaluate them. Assembles into the global external load vector and the system matrix. Parameters ---------- distributedLoads The list of distributed loads. U_np The current solution vector. PExt The external load vector to be augmented. K The system matrix to be augmented. timeStep The current time step. Returns ------- tuple[DofVector,VIJSystemMatrix] The augmented load vector and system matrix. """ tic = getCurrentTime() time = np.array([timeStep.stepTime, timeStep.totalTime]) dT = timeStep.timeIncrement for dLoad in distributedLoads: load = dLoad.getCurrentLoad(timeStep) for faceID, elementSet in dLoad.surface.items(): for el in elementSet: Ke = K[el] Pe = np.zeros(el.nDof) el.computeDistributedLoad(dLoad.loadType, Pe, Ke, faceID, load, U_np[el], time, dT) PExt[el] += Pe toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["distributed loads"] += toc - tic return PExt, K
[docs] def computeBodyForces( self, bodyForces: list[StepActionBase], U_np: DofVector, PExt: DofVector, K: VIJSystemMatrix, timeStep: TimeStep, ) -> tuple[DofVector, VIJSystemMatrix]: """Loop over all body forces loads acting on elements, and evaluate them. Assembles into the global external load vector and the system matrix. Parameters ---------- distributedLoads The list of distributed loads. U_np The current solution vector. PExt The external load vector to be augmented. K The system matrix to be augmented. increment The increment. Returns ------- tuple[DofVector,VIJSystemMatrix] The augmented load vector and system matrix. """ tic = getCurrentTime() time = np.array([timeStep.stepTime, timeStep.totalTime]) dT = timeStep.timeIncrement for bForce in bodyForces: force = bForce.getCurrentLoad(timeStep) for el in bForce.elementSet: Pe = np.zeros(el.nDof) Ke = K[el] el.computeBodyForce(Pe, Ke, force, U_np[el], time, dT) PExt[el] += Pe toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["body forces"] += toc - tic return PExt, K
[docs] def applyDirichletK(self, K: VIJSystemMatrix, dirichlets: list[StepActionBase]) -> VIJSystemMatrix: """Apply the dirichlet bcs on the global stiffness matrix Is called by solveStep() before solving the global system. Parameters ---------- K The system matrix. dirichlets The list of dirichlet boundary conditions. Returns ------- VIJSystemMatrix The modified system matrix. """ if dirichlets: tic = getCurrentTime() for dirichlet in dirichlets: for row in self.findDirichletIndices(dirichlet): # dirichlet.indices:[K.indptr[row] : K.indptr[row + 1]] = 0.0 # K[row, row] = 1.0 @ once, faster than within the loop above: diag = K.diagonal() diag[np.concatenate([self.findDirichletIndices(d) for d in dirichlets])] = 1.0 K.setdiag(diag) K.eliminate_zeros() toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["dirichlet K"] += toc - tic return K
[docs] def applyDirichlet(self, timeStep: TimeStep, R: DofVector, dirichlets: list[StepActionBase]): """Apply the dirichlet bcs on the residual vector Is called by solveStep() before solving the global equatuon system. Parameters ---------- increment The increment. R The residual vector of the global equation system to be modified. dirichlets The list of dirichlet boundary conditions. Returns ------- DofVector The modified residual vector. """ tic = getCurrentTime() for dirichlet in dirichlets: delta = dirichlet.getDelta(timeStep) R[self.findDirichletIndices(dirichlet)] = delta.flatten() toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["dirichlet R"] += toc - tic return R
[docs] def checkConvergence( self, R: DofVector, ddU: DofVector, F: DofVector, iterationCounter: int, residualHistory: dict, ) -> tuple[bool, dict]: """Check the convergence, individually for each field, similar to Abaqus based on the current total flux residual and the field correction Is called by solveStep() to decide whether to continue iterating or stop. Parameters ---------- R The current residual. ddU The current correction increment. F The accumulated fluxes. iterationCounter The current iteration number. residualHistory The previous residuals. Returns ------- tuple[bool,dict] - True if converged. - The residual histories field wise. """ tic = getCurrentTime() iterationMessage = "" convergedAtAll = True nodesWithLargestResidual = {} spatialAveragedFluxes = self.computeSpatialAveragedFluxes(F) if iterationCounter < 15: # standard tolerance set fluxResidualTolerances = self.fluxResidualTolerances else: # alternative tolerance set fluxResidualTolerances = self.fluxResidualTolerancesAlt for field, fieldIndices in self.theDofManager.idcsOfFieldsInDofVector.items(): fieldResidualAbs = np.abs(R[fieldIndices]) indexOfMax = np.argmax(fieldResidualAbs) fluxResidual = fieldResidualAbs[indexOfMax] nodesWithLargestResidual[field] = self.theDofManager.getNodeForIndexInDofVector(indexOfMax) fieldCorrection = np.linalg.norm(ddU[fieldIndices], np.inf) if ddU is not None else 0.0 convergedCorrection = fieldCorrection < self.fieldCorrectionTolerances[field] convergedFlux = fluxResidual <= max(fluxResidualTolerances[field] * spatialAveragedFluxes[field], 1e-7) previousFluxResidual, nGrew = residualHistory[field] if fluxResidual > previousFluxResidual: nGrew += 1 residualHistory[field] = (fluxResidual, nGrew) iterationMessage += self.iterationMessageTemplate.format( fluxResidual, "✓" if convergedFlux else " ", fieldCorrection, "✓" if convergedCorrection else " ", ) convergedAtAll = convergedAtAll and convergedCorrection and convergedFlux if self.theDofManager.idcsOfScalarVariablesInDofVector: residualScalarVariables = max(np.abs(R[list(self.theDofManager.idcsOfScalarVariablesInDofVector.values())])) correction = ( np.linalg.norm( ddU[list(self.theDofManager.idcsOfScalarVariablesInDofVector.values())], np.inf, ) if ddU is not None else 0.0 ) convergedCorrection = correction < self.fieldCorrectionTolerances["scalar variables"] convergedFlux = residualScalarVariables <= fluxResidualTolerances["scalar variables"] iterationMessage += self.iterationMessageTemplate.format( residualScalarVariables, "✓" if convergedFlux else " ", correction, "✓" if convergedCorrection else " ", ) convergedAtAll = convergedAtAll and convergedCorrection and convergedFlux self.journal.message(iterationMessage, self.identification) toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["convergence check"] += toc - tic return convergedAtAll, nodesWithLargestResidual
[docs] def linearSolve(self, A: csr_matrix, b: DofVector) -> ndarray: """Solve the linear equation system. Parameters ---------- A The system matrix in compressed spare row format. b The right hand side. Returns ------- ndarray The solution 'x'. """ tic = getCurrentTime() ddU = self.linSolver(A, b) toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["linear solve"] += toc - tic if np.isnan(ddU).any(): raise DivergingSolution("Obtained NaN in linear solve") return ddU
[docs] def assembleStiffnessCSR(self, K: VIJSystemMatrix) -> csr_matrix: """Construct a CSR matrix from VIJ format. Parameters ---------- K The system matrix in VIJ format. Returns ------- csr_matrix The system matrix in compressed sparse row format. """ tic = getCurrentTime() KCsr = self.csrGenerator.updateCSR(K) toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["CSR generation"] += toc - tic return KCsr
[docs] def computeSpatialAveragedFluxes(self, F: DofVector) -> float: """Compute the spatial averaged flux for every field Is usually called by checkConvergence(). Parameters ---------- F The accumulated flux vector. Returns ------- dict[str,float] A dictioary containg the spatial average fluxes for every field. """ spatialAveragedFluxes = dict.fromkeys(self.theDofManager.idcsOfFieldsInDofVector, 0.0) for field, nDof in self.theDofManager.nAccumulatedNodalFluxesFieldwise.items(): spatialAveragedFluxes[field] = max( 1e-10, np.linalg.norm(F[self.theDofManager.idcsOfFieldsInDofVector[field]], 1) / nDof, ) return spatialAveragedFluxes
[docs] def computeElements( self, elements: list, U_np: DofVector, dU: DofVector, P: DofVector, K: VIJSystemMatrix, F: DofVector, timeStep: TimeStep, ) -> tuple[DofVector, VIJSystemMatrix, DofVector]: """Loop over all elements, and evalute them. Is is called by solveStep() in each iteration. Parameters ---------- elements The list of finite elements. U_np The current solution vector. dU The current solution increment vector. P The reaction vector. K The system matrix. F The vector of accumulated fluxes for convergence checks. timeStep The time step. Returns ------- tuple[DofVector,VIJSystemMatrix,DofVector] - The modified reaction vector. - The modified system matrix. - The modified accumulated flux vector. """ tic = getCurrentTime() time = np.array([timeStep.stepTime, timeStep.totalTime]) dT = timeStep.timeIncrement for el in elements.values(): Ke = K[el] Pe = np.zeros(el.nDof) el.computeYourself(Ke, Pe, U_np[el], dU[el], time, dT) P[el] += Pe F[el] += abs(Pe) toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["elements"] += toc - tic return P, K, F
[docs] def assembleConstraints( self, constraints: list[ConstraintBase], U_np: DofVector, dU: DofVector, PExt: DofVector, K: VIJSystemMatrix, timeStep: TimeStep, ) -> tuple[DofVector, VIJSystemMatrix]: """Loop over all elements, and evaluate them. Is is called by solveStep() in each iteration. Parameters ---------- constraints The list of constraints. U_np The current solution vector. dU The current solution increment vector. PExt The external load vector. K The system matrix. dT The time increment. time The step and total time. Returns ------- tuple[DofVector,VIJSystemMatrix,DofVector] - The modified external load vector. - The modified system matrix. """ tic = getCurrentTime() for constraint in constraints.values(): Kc = K[constraint].reshape(constraint.nDof, constraint.nDof, order="F") Pc = np.zeros(constraint.nDof) constraint.applyConstraint(U_np[constraint], dU[constraint], Pc, Kc, timeStep) # instead of PExt[constraint] += Pe, allows for repeated indices, PExt.entitiesInDofVector[constraint], Pc) toc = getCurrentTime() self.computationTimes["constraints"] += toc - tic return PExt, K
[docs] def assembleLoads( self, nodeForces: list[StepActionBase], distributedLoads: list[StepActionBase], bodyForces: list[StepActionBase], U_np: DofVector, PExt: DofVector, K: VIJSystemMatrix, timeStep: TimeStep, ) -> tuple[DofVector, VIJSystemMatrix]: """Assemble all loads into a right hand side vector. Parameters ---------- nodeForces The list of concentrated (nodal) loads. distributedLoads The list of distributed (surface) loads. bodyForces The list of body (volumetric) loads. U_np The current solution vector. PExt The external load vector. K The system matrix. timeStep The current time step. Returns ------- tuple[DofVector,VIJSystemMatrix] - The augmented external load vector. - The augmented system matrix. """ for cLoad in nodeForces: PExt[ self.theDofManager.idcsOfFieldsOnNodeSetsInDofVector[cLoad.field][cLoad.nodeSet] ] += cLoad.getCurrentLoad(timeStep).flatten() PExt, K = self.computeDistributedLoads(distributedLoads, U_np, PExt, K, timeStep) PExt, K = self.computeBodyForces(bodyForces, U_np, PExt, K, timeStep) return PExt, K
[docs] def extrapolateLastIncrement( self, extrapolation: str, timeStep: TimeStep, dU: DofVector, dirichlets: list, prevTimeStep: TimeStep, model, ) -> tuple[DofVector, bool]: """Depending on the current setting, extrapolate the solution of the last increment. Parameters ---------- extrapolation The type of extrapolation. timeStep The current time step. dU The last solution increment. dirichlets The list of active dirichlet boundary conditions. lastIncrementSize The size of the last increment. Returns ------- tuple[DofVector,bool] - The extrapolated solution increment. - True if an extrapolation was performed. """ if extrapolation == "linear" and prevTimeStep and prevTimeStep.timeIncrement: dU *= timeStep.stepProgressIncrement / prevTimeStep.stepProgressIncrement dU = self.applyDirichlet(timeStep, dU, dirichlets) isExtrapolatedIncrement = True else: isExtrapolatedIncrement = False dU[:] = 0.0 return dU, isExtrapolatedIncrement
[docs] def checkDivergingSolution(self, incrementResidualHistory: dict, maxGrowingIter: int) -> bool: """Check if the iterative solution scheme is diverging. Parameters ---------- incrementResidualHistory The dictionary containing the residual history of all fields. maxGrowingIter The maximum allows number of growths of a residual during the iterative solution scheme. Returns ------- bool True if solution is diverging. """ for previousFluxResidual, nGrew in incrementResidualHistory.values(): if nGrew > maxGrowingIter: return True return False
[docs] def printResidualOutlierNodes(self, residualOutliers: dict): """Print which nodes have the largest residuals. Parameters ---------- residualOutliers The dictionary containing the outlier nodes for every field. """ self.journal.message( "Residual outliers:", self.identification, level=1, ) for field, node in residualOutliers.items(): self.journal.message( "|{:20}|node {:10}|".format(field, node.label), self.identification, level=2, )
[docs] def applyStepActionsAtStepStart(self, model: FEModel, stepActions: dict[str, StepActionBase]): """Called when all step actions should be appliet at the start a step. Parameters ---------- model The model tree. stepActions The dictionary of active step actions. """ for stepActionType in stepActions.values(): for action in stepActionType.values(): action.applyAtStepStart(model)
[docs] def applyStepActionsAtStepEnd(self, model: FEModel, stepActions: dict[str, StepActionBase]): """Called when all step actions should finish a step. Parameters ---------- model The model tree. stepActions The dictionary of active step actions. """ for stepActionType in stepActions.values(): for action in stepActionType.values(): action.applyAtStepEnd(model)
[docs] def applyStepActionsAtIncrementStart( self, model: FEModel, timeStep: TimeStep, stepActions: dict[str, StepActionBase] ): """Called when all step actions should be applied at the start of a step. Parameters ---------- model The model tree. increment The time increment. stepActions The dictionary of active step actions. """ for stepActionType in stepActions.values(): for action in stepActionType.values(): action.applyAtIncrementStart(model, timeStep)
def findDirichletIndices(self, dirichlet): nSet = dirichlet.nSet field = dirichlet.field components = dirichlet.components fieldIndices = self.theDofManager.idcsOfFieldsOnNodeSetsInDofVector[field][nSet] return fieldIndices.reshape((len(nSet), -1))[:, components].flatten()