- buzzard.interfaces.edelweiss.evaluateEdelweissSimulation(currParams: ndarray, sim: Simulation) ndarray [source]
Evaluates a single EdelweissFE simulation with certain parameters.
- Parameters
currParams (numpy.ndarray) – An array with the current parameters.
sim (buzzard.simulation.Simulation) – The respective simulation object.
- Returns
numpy.ndarray – x-data for the simulation.
numpy.ndarray – y-data for the simulation.
- buzzard.interfaces.edelweiss.getInputDictWithCurrentParameters(currParams: ndarray, sim: Simulation) dict [source]
Creates an input dictionary with the current parameters.
- Parameters
currParams (numpy.ndarray) – An array with the current parameters.
sim (buzzard.simulation.Simulation) – The respective simulation object.
- Returns
Input dictionary for EdelweissFE.
- Return type