# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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# Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis
# University of Innsbruck,
# 2021 - today
# Alexander Dummer alexander.dummer@uibk.ac.at
# This file is part of Buzzard.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
# the top level directory of Buzzard.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import random as rd
import subprocess
import numpy as np
from buzzard.core.identification import Identification
from buzzard.utils.journal import message
[docs]def evaluateAbaqusSimulation(currParams, sim):
randomFileName = "_temp_" + str(rd.randint(0, 1e16))
# create input for current parameters
paramIDX = 0
data = str(sim.inp)
for ide in Identification.all_identifications:
if ide.active:
data = data.replace(ide.name, str(currParams[paramIDX]))
paramIDX += 1
data = data.replace(ide.name, str(ide.start))
with open(randomFileName + ".inp", "w+") as n:
# execute simulation
abaqusExecuteable = sim.executeable
cpus = sim.cpus
simCommand = " ".join([abaqusExecuteable, "-j", randomFileName, "interactive", "cpus=" + str(cpus)])
success = runCommandAndCatchError(simCommand)
if success:
" ".join(
randomFileName + ".odb",
randomFileName + ".out",
simdata = np.loadtxt(randomFileName + ".out")
x = simdata[:, 0]
y = simdata[:, 1]
x = None
y = None
# remove all generated files
os.system("rm -r {name}*".format(name=randomFileName))
return x, y
[docs]def runCommandAndCatchError(command):
com = [c.replace("'", "") for c in command.split(" ")]
pipe = subprocess.Popen(com, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
text = ""
for i in pipe.communicate():
text += i.decode("utf-8")
if "error" in text.lower():
return False
return True