Source code for edelweissfe.utils.inputfileparser

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#  _____    _      _              _         _____ _____
# | ____|__| | ___| |_      _____(_)___ ___|  ___| ____|
# |  _| / _` |/ _ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \ / __/ __| |_  |  _|
# | |__| (_| |  __/ |\ V  V /  __/ \__ \__ \  _| | |___
# |_____\__,_|\___|_| \_/\_/ \___|_|___/___/_|   |_____|
#  Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis
#  University of Innsbruck,
#  2017 - today
#  Matthias Neuner
#  This file is part of EdelweissFE.
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  The full text of the license can be found in the file at
#  the top level directory of EdelweissFE.
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Created on Tue Jan  17 19:10:42 2017

# @author: Matthias Neuner
Inputfileparser for inputfiles employing an Abaqus-like syntax.

import shlex
import textwrap
import warnings
from os.path import dirname, join

from edelweissfe.utils.caseinsensitivedict import CaseInsensitiveDict

typeMappings = {
    "integer": int,
    "float": float,
    "bool": bool,
    "string": lambda x: x,
    # "numpy float array": lambda x: np.asarray(x, dtype=np.double),
    # "numpy integer array": lambda x: np.asarray(x,,

inputLanguage = {
    "*element": (
        "definition of element(s)",
            "elSet": ("string", "name"),
            "type": ("string", "assign one of the types defined in the elementlibrary"),
            "provider": (
                "provider (library) for the element type. Default: Marmot",
            "data": ("numpy integer array", "Abaqus like element definition lines"),
    "*elSet": (
        "definition of an element set",
            "elSet": ("string", "name"),
            "generate": (
                "set True to generate from data line 1: start-element, end-element, step",
            "data": ("string", "Abaqus like element set definition lines"),
    "*node": (
        "definition of nodes",
            "nSet": ("string", "name"),
            "data": (
                "numpy float array",
                "Abaqus like node definition lines: label, x, [y], [z]",
    "*nSet": (
        "definition of an element set",
            "nSet": ("string", "name"),
            "generate": (
                "set True to generate from data line 1: start-node, end-node, step",
            "data": ("string", "Abaqus like node set definition lines"),
    "*surface": (
        "definition of surface set",
            "type": ("string", "type of surface (currently 'element' only)"),
            "name": ("string", "name"),
            "data": ("string", "Abaqus like definition. Type 'element': elSet, faceID"),
    "*section": (
        "definition of a section",
            "name": ("string", "name"),
            "thickness": ("float", "associated element set"),
            "material": ("string", "associated id of defined material"),
            "data": ("string", "list of associated element sets"),
            "type": ("string", "type of the section"),
    "*material": (
        "definition of a material",
            "name": ("string", "name of the property"),
            "id": ("string", "name of the property"),
            "statevars": ("integer", "(deprecated and ignored) number of statevars"),
            "data": ("numpy float array", "material properties, multiline possible"),
            "provider": ("string", "material provider"),
    "*fieldOutput": (
        "define fieldoutput, which is used by outputmanagers",
            "data": ("string", "definition lines for the output module"),
    "*analyticalField": (
        "define an analytical field",
            "name": ("string", "name of analytical field"),
            "type": (
                "type of analytical field (currently 'expression' only)",
            "data": ("string", "definition"),
    "*output": (
        "define an output module",
            "name": ("string", "(optional), name of manager, standard=None"),
            "type": ("string", "output module "),
            "data": ("string", "definition lines for the output module"),
    "*job": (
        "definition of an analysis job",
            "name": ("string", "(optional) name of job, standard = defaultJob"),
            "domain": ("string", "define spatial domain: 1d, 2d, 3d"),
            "solver": ("string", "(deprecated) define the solver to be used"),
            "startTime": ("float", "(optional) start time of job, standard = 0.0"),
    "*solver": (
        "definition of solver",
            "name": ("string", "Name of this solver"),
            "solver": ("string", "Solvertype"),
            "data": (
                "define options which are passed to the respective solver instance.",
    "*step": (
        "definition of job steps",
            "stepLength": ("float", "time period of step"),
            "startInc": ("float", "size of the start increment"),
            "maxInc": ("float", "maximum size of increment"),
            "minInc": ("float", "minimum size of increment"),
            "maxNumInc": ("integer", "maximum number of increments"),
            "maxIter": ("integer", "maximum number of iterations"),
            "type": ("string", "(optional) define step type, default = AdaptiveStep"),
            "solver": ("string", "(optional) solver to be used"),
            "criticalIter": (
                "maximum number of iterations to prevent from increasing the increment",
            "data": (
                "define step actions, which are handled by the corresponding stepaction modules",
    "*updateConfiguration": (
        "update a configuration",
            "configuration": ("string", " name of the modified settings category"),
            "data": ("string", "key=value pairs"),
    "*modelGenerator": (
        "define a model generator, loaded from a module",
            "generator": ("string", "generator module"),
            "name": ("string", "(optional) name of the generator"),
            "executeAfterManualGeneration": (
                "(optional) Delay the execution of the generator after the manual creation of the mesh, default=False",
            "data": ("string", "key=value pairs"),
    "*constraint": (
        "define a constraint",
            "type": ("string", "constraint type"),
            "name": ("string", "(optional) name of the constraint"),
            "data": ("string", "definition of the constraint"),
    "*configurePlots": (
        "customize the figures and axes",
            "data": ("string", "key=value pairs for configuration of figures and axes"),
    "*exportPlots": (
        "export your figures",
            "data": ("string", "key=value pairs for exporting of figures and axes"),
    "*include": (
        "(optional) load extra .inp file (fragment), use relative path to current .inp",
        {"input": ("string", "filename")},

inputLanguage_ = CaseInsensitiveDict()
for kw, (doc, opts) in inputLanguage.items():
    inputLanguage_[kw] = (doc, CaseInsensitiveDict(opts))
inputLanguage = inputLanguage_

[docs]def parseInputFile( fileName: str, currentKeyword: str = None, existingFileDict: CaseInsensitiveDict = None, ) -> CaseInsensitiveDict: """Parse an Abaqus-like input file to generate a dictionary with its content. Parameters ---------- fileName The name of the file to parse. currentKeyword If nested parsing is performed by using ``*include``, this option tells which keyword is currently active. existingFileDict An existing dictionary to append. If Nonde, a new dictionary is created. Returns ------- CaseInsensitiveDict The parsed input file. """ if not existingFileDict: fileDict = CaseInsensitiveDict({key: [] for key in inputLanguage.keys()}) else: fileDict = existingFileDict keyword = currentKeyword with open(fileName) as f: # filter out empty lines and comments lines = (line.strip() for line in f) lines = (line for line in lines if line and not line.startswith("**")) for line in lines: if line.startswith("*"): lexer = shlex.shlex(line, posix=True) lexer.whitespace_split = True lexer.whitespace = "," lineElements = [x.strip() for x in lexer] # line is keywordline lastkeyword = keyword keyword = lineElements[0] optionAssignments = lineElements[1:] objectentry = CaseInsensitiveDict() objectentry["data"] = [] objectentry["inputFile"] = fileName # save also the filename of the original inputfile! for ass in optionAssignments: opts = ass.split("=") optKey = opts[0].strip() val = opts[1].strip() doc, options = inputLanguage[keyword] if optKey not in options: raise KeyError('option "{:}" not valid for {:}'.format(optKey, keyword)) optionDataType, optionDoc = options[optKey] try: objectentry[optKey] = typeMappings[optionDataType](val) except ValueError: raise ValueError( '{:}, option {:}: cannot convert "{:}" to {:}'.format(keyword, optKey, val, optionDataType) ) except Exception as e: raise e # special treatment for *include: if keyword.lower() == "*include": includeFile = objectentry["input"] parseInputFile( join(dirname(fileName), includeFile), currentKeyword=lastkeyword, existingFileDict=fileDict, ) keyword = lastkeyword else: fileDict[keyword].append(objectentry) else: # line is a dataline if "data" not in inputLanguage[keyword][1]: raise KeyError("{:} expects no data lines".format(keyword)) fileDict[keyword][-1]["data"].append(line) # raise deprecation warning if deprecated jobName option is set in keywords keywords = ["*step", "*fieldOutput", "*output"] for keyword in keywords: for entry in fileDict[keyword]: if "jobName" in entry: warnings.warn( f'Option "jobName" in {keyword} is deprecated and will be removed in future', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) for entry in fileDict["*job"]: if "solver" in entry: warnings.warn( "Warning, defining a Solver in *job is deprecated; Define solver using *solver keyword", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return fileDict
[docs]def printKeywords(): """Print the input file language set.""" kwString = " {:} " kwDataString = " {:22}{:20}" wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=80, replace_whitespace=False) for kw, (kwDoc, optiondict) in sorted(inputLanguage.items()): wrapper.initial_indent = kwString.format(str(kw)) wrapper.subsequent_indent = " " * len(wrapper.initial_indent) print(wrapper.fill(kwDoc)) print("") for key in sorted(optiondict.keys()): optionName = key dType, description = optiondict[key] wrapper.initial_indent = kwDataString.format(str(optionName), dType) wrapper.subsequent_indent = " " * len(wrapper.initial_indent) print(wrapper.fill(description)) print("\n")
[docs]def printKeywordsRST(): """Print the input file language set in an RST conform format.""" for kw, (kwDoc, optiondict) in sorted(inputLanguage.items()): print(".. list-table:: " + "``{:}`` : {:}".format(kw, kwDoc)) print(" :width: 100%") print(" :widths: 25 25 40") print(" :header-rows: 1") print(" ") print(" * - Option") print(" - Type") print(" - Description") for key in sorted(optiondict.keys()): optionName = key dType, description = optiondict[key] print(" * - ``{:}``".format(optionName)) print(" - ``{:}``".format(dType)) print(" - " + description) print(" ")