Source code for edelweissfe.constraints.base.constraintbase

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#  _____    _      _              _         _____ _____
# | ____|__| | ___| |_      _____(_)___ ___|  ___| ____|
# |  _| / _` |/ _ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \ / __/ __| |_  |  _|
# | |__| (_| |  __/ |\ V  V /  __/ \__ \__ \  _| | |___
# |_____\__,_|\___|_| \_/\_/ \___|_|___/___/_|   |_____|
#  Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis
#  University of Innsbruck,
#  2017 - today
#  Matthias Neuner
#  This file is part of EdelweissFE.
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  The full text of the license can be found in the file at
#  the top level directory of EdelweissFE.
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from edelweissfe.models.femodel import FEModel
from edelweissfe.timesteppers.timestep import TimeStep
from edelweissfe.variables.scalarvariable import ScalarVariable

[docs]class ConstraintBase(ABC): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, name: str, options: dict, model: FEModel): """The constraint base class. Constraints can act on nodal variables, and scalar variables. If scalar variables are required, the can be created on demand by defining :func:`~ConstraintBase.getNumberOfAdditionalNeededScalarVariables` and :func:`~ConstraintBase.assignAdditionalScalarVariables`, which are called at the beginning of an analysis. If scalar variables are used, EdelweissFE expects the layout of the external load vector PExt (and the stiffness) to be of the form .. code-block:: console [ node 1 - dofs field 1, node 1 - dofs field 2, node 1 - ... , node 1 - dofs field n, node 2 - dofs field 1, ... , node N - dofs field n, scalar variable 1, scalar variable 2, ... , scalar variable J ]. Parameters ---------- name The name of the constraint. options A dictionary containing the options for the constraint. model A dictionary containing the model tree. """ self.scalarVariables = [] @property @abstractmethod def nodes(self) -> list: """The nodes this constraint is acting on.""" @property @abstractmethod def fieldsOnNodes(self) -> list: """The fields on the nodes this constraint is acting on.""" @property @abstractmethod def nDof(self) -> int: """The total number of degrees of freedom this constraint is associated with."""
[docs] def getNumberOfAdditionalNeededScalarVariables( self, ) -> int: """This method is called to determine the additional number of scalar variables this Constraint needs. Returns ------- int Number of ScalarVariables required. """ return 0
[docs] def assignAdditionalScalarVariables(self, scalarVariables: list[ScalarVariable]): """Assign a list of scalar variables associated with this constraint. Parameters ---------- list The list of ScalarVariables associated with this constraint. """ self.scalarVariables = scalarVariables
[docs] @abstractmethod def applyConstraint( self, U_np: np.ndarray, dU: np.ndarray, PExt: np.ndarray, V: np.ndarray, timeStep: TimeStep, ): """Apply the constraint. Add the contributions to the external load vector and the system matrix. Parameters ---------- U_np The current total solution vector. dU The current increment since the last time the constraint was applied. PExt The external load vector. K The system (stiffness) matrix. dT The time increment. time The current step and total time. """