Linear Elastic

In the following example, a simple isotropic linear elastic is used for a simple optimization of the Young’s modulus with respect to some ficticious experimental data in two simulations.

Example configuration file (python format)

File: examples/LinearElastic/edelweiss/
config = {
    "scipysettings": {
        "method": "trust-constr",
        "options": {},
    "identification": {"YOUNGS_MODULUS": {"start": 35000, "min": 20000, "max": 50000, "active": True}},
    "simulations": {
        "sim1": {
            "type": "edelweiss",
            "input": "sim1.inp",
            "simX": "disp",
            "simY": "force",
            "data": "data_sim1.csv",
            "active": True,
            "errorType": "absolute",
        "sim2": {
            "type": "edelweiss",
            "input": "sim2.inp",
            "simX": "disp",
            "simY": "force",
            "data": "data_sim2.csv",
            "active": True,
            "errorType": "absolute",

Example configuration file (json format)

File: examples/edelweiss/LinearElasticJSON/config.json
    "scipysettings": {
        "method": "trust-constr",
        "options": {"disp": true, "verbose": 2, "gtol": 1e-6}
    "identification": {"YOUNGS_MODULUS": {"start": 35000, "min": 20000, "max": 50000, "active":true}},
    "simulations": {
        "sim1": {
            "type": "edelweiss",
            "input": "sim1.inp",
            "simX": "disp",
            "simY": "force",
            "data": "data_sim1.csv",
            "active": true,
            "errorType": "absolute"
        "sim2": {
            "type": "edelweiss",
            "input": "sim2.inp",
            "simX": "disp",
            "simY": "force",
            "data": "data_sim2.csv",
            "active": true,
            "errorType": "absolute"