Source code for buzzard.core.optimizer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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#  Unit of Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis
#  University of Innsbruck,
#  2021 - today
#  Alexander Dummer
#  This file is part of Buzzard.
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  The full text of the license can be found in the file at
#  the top level directory of Buzzard.
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------

import time
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
from typing import Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import Bounds, OptimizeResult

from buzzard.core.identification import Identification
from buzzard.core.simulation import Simulation
from buzzard.interfaces.scipy import (
from buzzard.utils.journal import (
from buzzard.utils.plotters import plotOptimizationResults

executeSimulationsInParallel = False
createPlots = False

[docs]def runOptimization(config: dict) -> OptimizeResult: """ Core function which executes parameter identification. Parameters ---------- dict config Dictionary containing the information of the Buzzard input. Returns ------- scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult """ method, options = getOptimizationMethodAndOptions(config) initialParameters, lowerBounds, upperBounds = collectParametersToIdentify(config) collectSimulations(config) printSepline() infoMessage("call scipy minimize function ...") printSepline() # execute optimization tic = time.time() try: if method in availableOptimizationMethods.get("local"): res = callSciPyMinimize( getResidualForMultipleSimulations, initialParameters, Bounds(lowerBounds, upperBounds), method, options, ) elif method in availableOptimizationMethods.get("global"): res = callSciPyGlobalOptimization( getResidualForMultipleSimulations, [(min_, max_) for min_, max_ in zip(lowerBounds, upperBounds)], method, options, ) else: errorMessage("Requested optimization method '{:}' not available!".format(method)) infoMessage("available methods are", availableOptimizationMethods) raise Exception("Requested optimization method '{:}' not available!".format(method)) except KeyboardInterrupt: infoMessage("interrupted by user") exit(0) toc = time.time() printSepline() infoMessage("total time for optimization: " + str(round(toc - tic, 4)) + " seconds") printSepline() infoMessage("writing optimal parameters to optimalParameters.txt ... ") with open("optimalParameters.txt", "w+") as f: for x, ide in zip(res.x, Identification.active_identifications): f.write(str(x) + "\t#" + + "\n") message(" {:4.4e}".format(x) + " " + if createPlots: printLine() message(" plot results ... ") plotOptimizationResults(initialParameters, res.x) printSepline() return res
[docs]def getOptimizationMethodAndOptions(config: dict) -> Union[str, dict]: """ Extracts the optimization method and respective options from the input dictionary. Parameters ---------- dict config Dictionary containing the information of the Buzzard input. Returns ------- Union[str,dict] """ method = config["scipysettings"].get("method", None) options = config["scipysettings"].get("options", {}) return method, options
[docs]def collectParametersToIdentify(config: dict) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, list, list]: initialX = [] lb = [] ub = [] printSepline() message(" collecting parameters to identify ...") printLine() if "identification" in config: for ideName, ideConfig in config["identification"].items(): # skip inactive identifications ide = Identification(ideName, ideConfig) if initialX.append(ide.start) lb.append(ide.min) ub.append(ide.max) message(" " + + " (active) ") message(" start=" + str(ide.start)) message(" min=" + str(ide.min)) message(" max=" + str(ide.max)) else: message(" " + + " (inactive) ") message(" value=" + str(ide.start)) printLine() else: raise Exception("no parameter(s) found to identify") message( "found ", str(len(Identification.active_identifications)), " active parameter(s) to identify", ) return initialX, lb, ub
[docs]def collectSimulations(config): printSepline() infoMessage(" collecting simulations ...") printLine() if "simulations" in config: for name in config["simulations"]: # skip inactive simulations if "active" in config["simulations"][name].keys(): if config["simulations"][name]["active"] is False: message(" --> " + name + " (inactive)") continue message(" --> " + name + " (active)") Simulation(name, config["simulations"][name]) else: raise Exception("no simulations found") printLine() infoMessage("found " + str(len(Simulation.all_simulations)) + " active simulations(s)")
[docs]def getResidualForMultipleSimulations(params: np.ndarray) -> float: yErr = np.array([]) # workaround for differential evolution if executeSimulationsInParallel is True: nSim = len(Simulation.all_simulations) with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=nSim) as executor: future_res = { executor.submit(sim.computeWeightedResidual, params): sim for sim in Simulation.all_simulations } for future in as_completed(future_res): yErr = np.append(yErr, future.result()) else: for sim in Simulation.all_simulations: yErr = np.append(yErr, sim.computeWeightedResidual(params)) return np.sum(yErr)